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The Big Picture Of American Political Commentary

By Essie Osborn

World politics has been characterized by massive input from all countries in the globe and US is not an exception. This is the big picture of american political commentary of how it watches and participates in the political activities of most countries worldwide to ensure peaceful coexistence. Even though at some point they are misunderstood when they focus on the private and internal affairs of other nations, it is motivating when they intervene on issues of security to help these nations.

On first March, President Barack Obama made a phone call to the Russian president Vladimir Putin. In a conversation that lasted ninety minutes, the two heads of states deliberated on the international tension over Ukraine. They seemed not to be in agreement over the matter. While Obama felt that Russia was violating the sovereignty of Ukraine, his counterpart did not see any fault with the ongoing operation. The Russian forces had violated territorial violations by spreading to Crimea, a Ukrainian territory.

The argument was that Russia should remove their forces from Ukrainian territory. To strengthen the point further, a statement from the white house indicated that refusal of Ukraine to oblige would result to America withdrawing their participation from the group of eight summit in Sochi, Russia, which is to take place in June. Greater political and economic isolation of Russia was also to be part of the action.

In this and many other instances, America greatly contributes to international consciousness through their continued insistence on accountability. In Africa, Uganda was almost sanctioned for refusing to recognize the rights of gays. Their argument that gay rights only worked in Europe could not be tolerated.

Just recently, the American president skipped his homeland, Kenya, in his visit to Africa. He only went as close to the neighboring Tanzania. His reason for this was that Kenya is a country rocked by impunity and political demagogy. This has gone a long way in transforming the Kenyan government and its view about the Western nations. They have now seen that even if they can seek solace in the East, the west cannot be entirely ignored.

The Rome statute was established to check on the issues of crime against humanity. Even though the US is not a member, it has always offered immense support and cooperation. For instance, the attempt of the Kenyan president and his deputy to withdraw their cases was discussed by the international community, and The United States was instrumental in calling for their cooperation with the court. They had to attend the court proceedings until such a time when their cases will be over.

Even though the road has seemed to be quiet smooth, at times other nation have expressed disagreement with American political policies. They have often behaved in a manner to suggest that the White House is intimidating them. Such situations imply infringement on the sovereignty of a nation and thus should be wisely dealt with.

It is therefore challenging for The United states. They are being watched and their proclamations are deeply analyzed. If they fail to participate they are faulted and if they do the faults are threefold. The only solution is therefore not to keep silent. Let them contribute avidly but approach political issues with moderation.

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