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A Guide To Basic Manners And Etiquette

By Marci Glover

Being polite is something that is pretty simple to do. Unfortunately it is also something we can often forget, especially in stressful situations. This is why it helps to be aware of basic manners and etiquette in order to maintain good relationships with people and generally be a good person to interact with.

The first and simplest thing to do is to remember to say please and thank you. While this is something we should always strive to do this is not always simple. For example if you have had a problem with your phone and you need to phone up the customer service helpline your patience can often be tested.

Punctuality is also an important issue. In the modern era it has become a lot easier to plan journeys. A quick check using your computer or smart phone will allow you to find out about any potential delays, when the buses and trains arrive and so forth. This will make it easier to plan ahead, preferably planning so you can arrive early in case of any delays.

This is also the case when it comes to manners. If you are in doubt sense the tone. The idea of good manners is to put people at their ease. In general it is best to engage with people as much as possible. For example you should not take a phone call in the middle of a conversation. If the call is important you should excuse yourself first and then come back to the table, preferably by quickly addressing the problem, saying you will call the person back and then getting back to the person you are with as soon as possible.

You need to ensure that children are aware of manners as much as possible. They should learn to say thank you for gifts they get, take their shoes off before going to a house and so forth. Learning early on means they are more likely to be polite as they get older and with any luck pass on those lessons to their children and so forth.

With regard to phones there is a whole array of etiquette to be aware of. It is best to either set them to silent or turn them off. Taking a call in the middle of a meeting or while talking can be very rude as the inference is that this call is more important than the person you are talking to.

Another key bit of etiquette people need to be aware of is conversation. The important thing to do is sense the tone of the people around you. Some people will be more sensitive to bad language, controversial topics and so forth and it is important to know when to start a conversation and when to change the subject. This equally applies to being online as it does to real life. If you would not be prepared to say something to someone face to face you should not say it to them online.

One of the simplest ways to be polite to people is to remember the golden rule of treating others how you would wish to be treated. Whether someone is a potential investor or serving you drinks they are still someone who should be treated with respect. It may sound simple but being able to be polite will generally help you be more accepted with people than trying too hard to be assertive or show off.

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