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What Do Women Look For In A Man

By Andrew Tatiana

What do girls really look for in a guy? The answer to that question might be a little more difficult to explain that most people believe. If you are a single guy, your answer might be a little bit different than what a single woman might tell you. Your experiences in life and what many experts might tell you is different than what is actually true. What a single girl might tell you could make matters even more confusing as you search for what women look for in a potential partner. There is a lot of bad information being tossed around that promises to enlighten us but the truth can be found by looking at society and thinking logically about what women really want.

Most guys will tell you that women are attracted by money and guys that have a lot of money. They'll even show you social proof of this fact by telling you about rich guys that have their pick of women or women that do go after guys with money. As a result, many guys are led to believe that in order to date very attractive women you need to buy their affection. Many guys feel that all hope is lost unless they are rich so they settle for low hanging fruit or women that they know are already attracted to them or below their standards.

Sure, there are women out there that go after guys with money. They are formally known as gold diggers and they're really not the kind of women that you want to date. Your relationship with a woman like this isn't stable and there will always be a guy out there that is richer and you don't want to be loved for what you can provide in terms of material goods, do you. The good news is that most women are not this way. Most women don't care how much money you make and they don't want you to buy them things. They don't want to feel like you're buying their affection and it makes a real woman feel cheap and dirty. That should make sense to you and the myth that women are attracted to rich guys is just a myth. Forget about how much money you make and if you are wealthy then let that be a pleasant surprise for later in your relationship with the woman of your dreams.

Then there are others that say that women are attracted to men who are handsome or muscular. The media provides proof of this by showing models and celebrities with other models or celebrities. You'll also often see girls that work out a lot with guys that work out a lot. It might seem that pretty people tend to be attracted to other pretty people and if you're ordinary looking you might feel like you don't have a chance with an attractive woman.

The fact is that movie stars, models and girls that work out at the gym simply tend to be around other movie stars, models and people at the gym. This doesn't mean that how you look is particularly important to attractive women. Sure, taking care of yourself and making sure that you don't smell bad is important to everyone but being overly attractive or even handsome isn't a prerequisite for dating a particularly attractive woman. There are plenty of cases where movie stars and models fall in love with very ordinary guys but this doesn't sell newspapers. Having a pretty face might get you a second look from an attractive girl but just think about this for a moment. Are there some attractive guys that aren't very clever or who are shallow or obnoxious? Don't you think that many women have figured this out? That's right, sometimes being handsome can actually work against you when you're trying to date a girl that's very pretty.

It surely must be how nice a guy is that most women find attractive, you must think. This is what most women will tell you when you ask them what they're looking for in a guy or what they find attractive in a man. If you are simply good enough to her and spend your time helping little old ladies across the street then you can surely make the most beautiful woman feel attracted to you, right? This is what women say they want in a man all the time so it must be true.

The truth is that it's often the nice guys that become friends of beautiful women. It's rare that they fall in love with a truly nice guy or date nice guys. Being a nice guy should be something that she discovers about you later during the dating process. It's also not true that women like bad boys or men that are rude or obnoxious, as many guys think. Being nice should be a character trait that you reserve for all people who are nice to you. Going out of your way to be nice to a girl to appear attractive isn't genuine.

What a woman needs to feel in order to be attracted to a guy and eventually fall in love with him is more complicated. A woman needs to feel secure and protected when she's with a man. She needs to feel safe with him. She needs to feel like she has known him all her life and she needs to feel comfortable enough to talk with him about anything and everything. She needs to feel like he is genuinely interested in her without any hidden motives and she wants to feel that he is being completely transparent with him. For you, as a guy, this means being yourself. While that might sound a little boring, being yourself in a world of game players and liars can take more strength than most men are capable of. Stand out and be yourself and you might find that you are a breath of fresh air to that beautiful girl that you're hoping to spend time with.

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