To be totally happy, it is said that a man should have everything he needs and quite a few of his wants. The average human being has to follow through five steps to a happy existence. Based on the study of a well known psychologist, man has to fulfill physiological needs first and attain self actualization last.
Safety needs come right after. This includes security. Man has to feel secure in the place where he is currently residing, to be sure in his employment status. Only when he has achieved this sense of security will he be able to connect with other people to feel loved. This is the reason why dating sites for outdoor people are available.
The next two stages tackle on self esteem and self actualization. Esteem requirements include confidence and trust in your abilities, and gaining the respect of others in the community. Only a very few achieve self actualization, which is the last stage. It is in the gaining of wisdom that not everything will work out, but what matters is that you tried.
Following in the different levels of needs, it is suffice to say that most have achieved the first two steps. The lucky ones are in the third, the hardworking ones are onto the fourth already. One can reach the fourth level after the third, but most often, young adults of today tend to skip the third in pursuit of the fourth. Career over love is currently the favorite motto of the public.
It is not an uncommon thing to hear others complain that they have got everything they want, but not what they need. They seem to have it all, such as a luxurious condo unit or even a very impressive house, the newest car model, the trendiest gadgets. Follow them around social media and you will find out that they have been all over the globe.
They are often envied because they seem to have everything. But, if only one looks closer, there are times that these super humans also feel lonely at the top. They look down to the happy, average people and sometimes wish they could just be average. To satisfy their need for companionship, they simply go on dating sites.
When this first started, people were initially opposed to the idea. They look at the people at these sites and decide rather pompously that the only people who decide to join are those who are really desperate. They used to think that the ones in these sites are hideously ugly and all the negatives they could think of. Little did they know that this actually a treasure mine filled with many successful people who are just lonely.
The first one could be due to the fact that going out to bars to meet new people could be quite frustrating. You go in, drink, and collect numbers. Afterward, you try each one, and to your disappointment, there was no one who could completely connect to you. This would lead you to feeling that you have just wasted valuable time going out when you could have just done that report at home.
This lack of connection then leads you to the second reason why online dating could be much more profitable than the usual way. Websites usually have categorized their members so you are sure to find one that has more or less the same interests as you do. If you love the outdoors and your idea of a perfect date is through camping out, then you can be sure there is one who thinks your idea is just perfect.
Safety needs come right after. This includes security. Man has to feel secure in the place where he is currently residing, to be sure in his employment status. Only when he has achieved this sense of security will he be able to connect with other people to feel loved. This is the reason why dating sites for outdoor people are available.
The next two stages tackle on self esteem and self actualization. Esteem requirements include confidence and trust in your abilities, and gaining the respect of others in the community. Only a very few achieve self actualization, which is the last stage. It is in the gaining of wisdom that not everything will work out, but what matters is that you tried.
Following in the different levels of needs, it is suffice to say that most have achieved the first two steps. The lucky ones are in the third, the hardworking ones are onto the fourth already. One can reach the fourth level after the third, but most often, young adults of today tend to skip the third in pursuit of the fourth. Career over love is currently the favorite motto of the public.
It is not an uncommon thing to hear others complain that they have got everything they want, but not what they need. They seem to have it all, such as a luxurious condo unit or even a very impressive house, the newest car model, the trendiest gadgets. Follow them around social media and you will find out that they have been all over the globe.
They are often envied because they seem to have everything. But, if only one looks closer, there are times that these super humans also feel lonely at the top. They look down to the happy, average people and sometimes wish they could just be average. To satisfy their need for companionship, they simply go on dating sites.
When this first started, people were initially opposed to the idea. They look at the people at these sites and decide rather pompously that the only people who decide to join are those who are really desperate. They used to think that the ones in these sites are hideously ugly and all the negatives they could think of. Little did they know that this actually a treasure mine filled with many successful people who are just lonely.
The first one could be due to the fact that going out to bars to meet new people could be quite frustrating. You go in, drink, and collect numbers. Afterward, you try each one, and to your disappointment, there was no one who could completely connect to you. This would lead you to feeling that you have just wasted valuable time going out when you could have just done that report at home.
This lack of connection then leads you to the second reason why online dating could be much more profitable than the usual way. Websites usually have categorized their members so you are sure to find one that has more or less the same interests as you do. If you love the outdoors and your idea of a perfect date is through camping out, then you can be sure there is one who thinks your idea is just perfect.
About the Author:
You can visit for more helpful information about Reasons To Join Online Dating Sites For Outdoor People.
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