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A Brief Overview Of The Duties Of A Florida Rabbi

By Ina Hunt

Since ancient times the Jewish race have enjoyed a culture that is very closely connected to the Torah, the holy book that can be compared with the Christian Bible. This becomes especially clear when one considers the fact that the early kingdoms of Israel and Judah were rules by kings, prophets and the priesthood. All of the above were required to be well versed in the teachings of the Torah. Today, a Florida rabbi, for example, must undergo the same training as the early members of the priesthood.

The word Ribbi or Rabban, other names for these religious leaders is from the Hebrew term that means My Master or Great One. From the title it is clear that these leaders are held in very high esteem and that they enjoy a great deal of respect from their communities. They are scholarly and they commonly fill important leadership positions within the Jewish community.

The training necessary to become an ordained Ribbi is arduous and last for five years. Most of this time is spent on studies of response and Jewish law. After five years the student is awarded the qualification of Yore yore. The qualification translates as He Shall Teach. A small percentage of students continue to receive a further qualification called Yadin yadin. This means He Shall Judge.

Judaism consists of many different movements and there have always been differences and even disputes between the various movement. Some movements, such as the Orthodox and Conservatives will not accept the qualifications or authority of Ribbis belonging to other movements. The Reconstructive and Reform movements will accept the authority of Ribbis from other movements but they will not accept their interpretation of the Jewish law.

The various Jewish denominations also differ about the issue of who can become a Ribbi. Until recently it was an exclusively male profession although there are a few interesting exceptions. Today, most denominations accept female Ribbis and some movements will even ordain openly gay and lesbian Ribbis. This is not the case in the Orthodox and some other conservative movements, however.

In the past the central role of the Ribbi was to interpret the law and to settle disputes within the congregation. The actual management of the congregations was done by lay members of the synagogue. Lately, the role of the Ribbi has changed to include preaching, counseling and leading the congregation. Most Jewish charities and secular organizations also feature Ribbis in their leadership cadres.

The requirements for conversion to Judaism differ from denomination to denomination. In most cases the potential convert will be expected to study Jewish law and to start living according to Jewish practices. Formal acceptance is afforded by a religious court with at least three Ribbis presiding. Unfortunately, some movements will not accept converts that have been accepted by other movements.

Judaism is not and has never been a single religion. It consists of many different movements and some of them differ significantly. In all the various movements the role of the Rabbi remains central, however. The Ribbi is expected to teach and to interpret the law. They preside at all important ceremonies and they act as leaders of their communities.

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