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Accessing Free Public Divorce Records Researches

By Ben Kingsley

It is sad to know that many marriages nowadays are leading to divorce. With this the number of divorce records in California is increasing every year. The divorce public records California issues to its residents are open documents which basically mean that the local residents of the state can obtain a copy of the said file anytime they find it necessary.

Divorce records are one of the sources of information when conducting a genealogy. It contains information that is necessary when updating the family tree. It the update is not done on a timely manner, the next generation may have confusions about their origins. Another use of such document is for government transactions. Transactions such as insurance related matters and updating one's marital status would call for a copy of a divorce certificate.

As the name suggest, a divorce certificate would contain information about the separation of a couple. One would now when and where the couple was granted legal separation. It would not be a valid document without the complete names of the couple involved as well as some of their personal information.

One can only find the basic details of a divorce on a public document. Further details are kept away from public access. The reason for the separation as well as the name of the one who filed for the separation remains private. Details such as the agreement about the child custody along with the division of the couple's assets and properties are also kept confidential. This was done to respect the couple's involved.

Divorce records from 1962 to 1984 have to be requested at the county office. The office of the Department of Health under the Vital Records Section is where all of the divorce records are being archived. However, the office does not release the certified copy of the divorce in California. One has to go to the office of the county clerk where the divorce was filed in order to proceed with the retrieval. The state office can only provide information about where the divorce can be obtained. This would cost $13. Access to the divorce files is only open to the divorcees themselves. One has to be granted a special permission to proceed with the retrieval of other people's divorce certificate. In order to proceed with the request, the basic details of the document being obtained have to be provided. One is also required to provide their personal details to have the request granted.

Requesting public records for divorce in the state of California has been made easy with the help of the Internet. This method has made the retrieval convenient and fast. Not only that it speeds up the retrieval process but the use of the Internet frees you from the hassle of going to the office just to file the request.

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