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About Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim

By Marylou Forbes

If you are asking yourself the same thing, then you are recommended to read this article. It is a fact that there are a lot of points that are needed to be revealed about atheists. So, get to know more about them from the paragraphs below and be aware of the answer to the question which has circling around your head.

The first thing that you have to know is that atheists give importance to life. They do not have the tendency to commit suicide. Plus, they do not actually care about the whole will the antichrist be a Muslim fiasco. They have their own problems to deal with and they would not be forced to join another religion just because they do not believe in that one divine power.

Second, not all of them belong to those gangs on the streets. Most of them are actually in the normal working class. So, try not to stay away from them as much as possible. They are not like Christians who will treat you differently if you do not share the same religion as theirs. This may be a hard thing to do but you can surely get used to it over time.

Third, they can really be skeptical. Only their close friends know the reason why tend to act that way. It may be because of the way that they were brought up as a child. However, it is plain to see that they are capable of making up their own mind. So, only a great force of nature would lead them to be enslaved by another religion.

Also, you need to erase from your mind the notion that they have been created by men. They might have been influenced by a different set of people but that does not make them aliens from another planet. You just have to respect the differences that are completely present between the two of you and everything will be fine.

Deal with their arrogance as well. Actually, it will be best for you to ignore what they have to say. If you do not have any plans on becoming one of them, then you can tune to half of their speech and you can play a deaf ear to the other half. You will have to make up your mind so that you will not have any regrets at the end of the day.

These people do not see themselves as gods. They are perfectly aware that they are humans and that they have their own set of limitations. So, never try to change them. They are not changing you so give them the same privilege of staying out of their business.

Do not make them feel that they are different. They may not share the same belief that you have but you are still equals. Respect them in the way that you would want to be respected.

Overall, atheists do not immediately become Muslims. They have to go through a spiritual journey first before that happens. However, never force them to perform such a thing since the journey will have to be voluntary.

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