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How To Write A Stop Bullying Blog

By Rosella Campbell

Bullying is something that has been a problem for ages already and it is one of the reasons as to why many children do not have confidence in themselves. With technology, a lot of people have been writing blogs and spreading the word in order to stop bullies and make schools more aware of what is going on. If one would also want to join the advocacy in stopping this, here are some steps in how one can make a stop bullying blog.

Now if one would want to write one of these blogs, but does not know where to start, he can start by searching for a story of a victim. What he can do here is he can copy paste the story of the victim into the first portion of his post. So whenever a reader would open his post, this will be the first thing that will be seen.

Now the thing about this technique is that it will immediately take the attention of the reader which will make him want to read more. Bullying is a very common topic and no one really thinks much about. However, once they would read the story, they would immediately be moved by it and have a realization that something has to be done.

After posting a story about the victim, the next thing would be to give some background on it. Now this would be the introduction. In this part, it is very important to give some information or details on the story like when it happened and what did the victim do afterwards so that people will have some sort of idea.

After giving some background on the story, the next thing to do would be to lead this to the main topic which would be bullying. One can do this by saying that this victim is not the only one that has experienced this as there are so many who are suffering out there. This is to make sure that the transition would go well from the story to the main topic.

Now that the introduction is already done, then the next thing to write would be the body. Now the body would contain everything that the writer would want to say about the topic bullying. The specific topic will depend on the writer because it is his piece of work.

Now if one has a hard time trying to figure out what to put in the body, here are a few ideas that may help. One of the most common things to write in the body would of course be the causes and the effects that bullying would have on the patient. One could also write about how this can be stopped and why it should be stopped.

Of course the last part would be the conclusion. The whole point of writing the blog would be to send a message so that something can actually be done. It is for this reason that in the conclusion, one should make a call to action statement in order for readers to feel the urgency so that something can be done.

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