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Importance Of Faith And Worship To The Youths

By Elsa English

It is true that worship plays an influential role in development of faith in young persons. Through different means, involving the teens in worship has not been easy. This has been tried by church leaders, Christian school chapels coordinators and youth group leaders have all struggled in a bid to come up with effective ways. Faith and worship should be made part and parcel of developing teen as it helps shape their lives.

In order to come up with something worthwhile and effective, youth ministries, high school chapel team and churches need to come together and explore clarifying some of the crucial issues. Some questions should be asked and answered. For instance what is the effect of worship in the lives of teens, again do the involved parties have a vision concerning the role of the corporate adoration in lives of these young people? In addition what would be the implications of having them lead the worship?

By participating in leadership roles in worshiping, they get transformed to different beings full of conviction and believe in their faith. The experience of leading in prayers, playing of instruments, teaching meditation as well as leading in adoration is gained. In addition, others offer ushering services, acting as altar boys, and collecting offerings.

The teens involved in the church activities can be distinguished from change adopted. Most notable is volunteer work, personal prayers, reading scripture and regular church attendance. Important decisions in their lives have been based on religious teachings hence making wise decisions. They have not shied off in making their commitment in faith known and has been so crystal clear.

The exploration and clarification of the emerging issues is done by church groups and by doing this they get the chance to evaluate the much effective ways to be used in guiding these teens. Faith in these youngsters is enhanced by encouraging them to be part of the praise band, playing of piano or guitar. Not all the youths are gifted musically, therefore this method is not as effective as thought as it secludes the lot not gifted in such activities.

By allowing these teens be involved in adoration areas, their conviction formation is enhanced and improved. Regardless of corporate worship or through youth groups, there is a chance of them growing spiritually. By them taking the leadership responsibilities, they get the chance to become active and healthy members of their church in future.

There is much of efforts required to ensure that the young persons are successful and actively involved in leadership roles to serve the church. Understanding the reason for worship is important to the teens as well as being knowledgeable of the main reason of worshiping. By engaging in studying and planning of worship, the adults get the chance to mentor them.

Youths involved in leading worship in youth groups get to build a community with God as well as with each other. By undergoing such experiences, the youth leaders get to empower fellow young persons to live in and for Christ. By taking on worship roles, the youths are enabled to be spiritual leaders. Through worshiping they articulate their faith. This is a huge step in their conviction formation.

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