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Understanding The Christian Prophetic Guidance

By Marylou Forbes

In order to live an exemplary life as a Christian, one ought to know what the Lord intends people to do and acting on what He demonstrates to the people. On this note, Christian prophetic guidance is the foundation of this as Jesus Christ has under the very new covenant given the church prophets, apostles, pastors, evangelists as well as teachers. He did this regardless of the Holy Spirit existing within people.

It is important for Christians to get to know the existing manners n which they can realize and comprehend the activities that God is performing. This should be done earlier on before guidance and include reading the scripture and interpreting, through visionary dreams, identifying prophetic appointments, among others. The Holy Spirit is aimed at revealing things that could otherwise remain unknown were it not for the spirit unfolding.

When revelations are received by means of the Holy Spirit, followers are expected to listen to and obey the prophesy. When people create an appropriate relationship with the Maker, it should be maintained by expressing the love of God to the world at large. Prophets are charged with the responsibility of confirming what an individual heard from the Holy Spirit. This means that any person has the capability of receiving divine powers of the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus Christ was in the world, He taught people on what God requires of them using illustrations. The illustrations used were simple and natural and brought out in a manner that people could relate without much struggle. In this same way, those passing the visionary messages should do it in a very natural manner for easier comprehension.

It is vital to use a check list containing the teachings in the Holy Bible. These could be checked along with the insights that are contained in the divine visions. It is the intention of the Father that the message passed along is that which is good and will create positive effects in the lives of individuals.

Evangelizing prophetically should be simply done, in ways like sacrificing to pray for an individual who is in need, encouraging others and such other ways. Embracing accountability is very much necessary as it helps to not only remain on track with the various gifts but also aid in the growth of Christian life. It is also recommended to have a spiritual mentor who can bring positive changes in the Christian life of an individual as well as encourage throughout he journey of prophesy.

Having a close and good relationship with God is not the sole purpose of living a visionary lifestyle. It is also meant to make sure that the people around as are impacted positively with what the Father is doing. Testimonies are therefore necessary.

Christians are anticipated to keep an eye on the guiding principle provided. It is significant for them to understand that so as to hear from the Father, one must possess a gift that is prophetic. Any person has a right to receive the word of God regardless of gifts they have.

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