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Visiting A Certified Law Of Attraction Coach For Optimal Results

By Rosella Campbell

Many people have difficulty working toward their aspirations and dreams and do not know exactly where to go for help. A certified law of attraction coach can be just the person to help put individuals on track for personal success and achievement.

The law of attraction is the positive emotional state of focusing on what you desire to attract it into your life. Some of the methods used include the following suggestions and exercises.

Clearing away the clutter of your personal life may be a first step in achieving what you want to have or desire to change in your life. This can start out as a physical exercise of going through belongings but is also symbolic of clearing out the spiderwebs of the mind. Once your environment is neat and organized, you will have opened up yourself to receiving your deepest wishes and desires.

One of the main steps is goal setting. Without goals, one has nothing to aspire for. If you don't know what you'd like to be or have, a coach can assist you in finding your way. He may ask clients to put their goals in writing and in present-tense wording to clarify them and give them life.

Meditation is the act of learning to still yourself and listen to your inner thoughts and feelings. It requires a quiet place to contemplate and also breathing techniques to assist you in relaxing. Many successful individuals practice meditation every morning to get themselves off to a good start each day.

Learning how to speak affirmations is also an effective method of pursuing your dreams. Formulate a brief sentence in the present tense of what it is that you desire. For example, if you wish to lose weight, a phrase such as "I am twenty pound lighter" can be repeated over and over again until the thought is thoroughly entrenched in your mind and you do actually begin losing weight. You may even try writing the phrase again and again for the same results.

Learning how to visualize is an important procedure which involved picturing your goals in your mind and holding or returning to that picture often. The more you "see" yourself doing or attaining something, the more likely it is that you will attain it. For example, if you are trying to make the basketball team, picture yourself making a basket after basket and winning an important game. You can also cut out photos and illustrations that depict what you are striving for. Glue them to poster board and place this vision board where you will see it often.

Some excellent writers that may assist you in your journey include Jack Canfield, Napoleon Hill, or Rhonda Byrne. Their books give you insight and instruction on the best ways to become exactly what you dream of being. They all have different methods of getting good results so you may wish to read and compare the insights and perspectives of several authors.

Setting your sights on a brighter and better future is the first step to change. The second step may be in hiring the right person to help you along the way. A coach can provide objective and clear instructions as well as handy tools to use to eliminate a negative attitude and mindset and to help you become a confident and self-reliant goal-seeking individual.

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