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Why Christians Prefer Serving In An Egalitarian Church In Denver

By Rosella Campbell

Christians who adhere to the example which was set by Jesus Christ try to make sure that all aspects of their life line up with what he taught and lived. This often leads to conflict because the way that Jesus did things is not usually the same as he way that the world does it. This means if someone is in a work environment where everyone around them is stealing from their boss, they have to do differently. An egalitarian church in Denver encourages people to live as they should.

Hierarchy really has no place in the body of Christ. Unfortunately, because popular culture preys on the need for human beings to exalt themselves above others, Christians sometimes forget that. They may subdue or suffocate others who have gifts that can build others, simply because they want pride of place for themselves.

Gifts are given to everyone in the body in order that all may benefit. Yet, there are still many that prefer to think that some gifts are only specific to particular race, gender or even an age group. Egalitarianism emphasizes Biblical equality in order that all may obey the calling that God has on their lives, without limitation of gender, race or class.

Churches that are called to serve in communities must follow the example set by the Savior. Jesus went out of His way to treat everyone equally. While He is Lord of all, He never held down anyone or put them aside because they were from a different cultural group or gender. He encouraged others to fully live out their calling.

Jesus specifically forbade high officials from exercising authority over or lording it over those who they were meant to serve. However, this directly contrasts with the attitude of the world, where people almost expect to be lorded over. Some people do not respond to a servant leader. It should not be so in the body, where men and women are brothers and sisters first.

The effort to keep certain positions in society, churches and the home for people of a specific gender, race or class is sometimes accompanied by a misunderstanding of what it means to lead. In some occasions leaders do exactly what Jesus advised against. They immediately lord it over everyone they see and do not serve those in their care.

Jesus clearly stated that a person who wants to be great should serve. Jesus was the ultimate example, giving up His life so we all might live forever. Yet, there are many leaders who are unwilling to even shift in an opinion that in their hearts they know is wrong. Fully utilizing gifts and ministries helps churches to function as Jesus wants.

People who are a part of egalitarian churches are fee to serve by using their gifts. They know that whatever they do is done through the power of the Holy Spirit, not through their connections, their money or any other physical factor. By observing what He did in different situations, they are able to make good decisions on how to live in different situations.

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