Do you think that these are the best solutions?


By Howard Phillips

Question: If one of the spouses in a divorce has a 401(K) Plan Account, and he/she had it at the Date of Marriage, how and when is it shared with the spouse who has no retirement plan (the Alternate Payee)?


1) Select the date when the account will be valued. This could be the date of the complaint; the date of the divorce; or the date that the participant partner receives the distribution.

2) Offset that value of the 401k Plan Account against some other asset in the marital estate valued as of the same date OR share the Account equally as of the date selected and stipulate to that sharing in a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO).

3) The selection of the date and the sharing process could result in a wide range of significantly different results. For instance:

- Account at Date of Marriage: $50K
- Account at Date of Complaint: $200K
- Account at Date of Distribution: $250K
- Years in the Plan at Date of Complaint: 25
- Years in the Plan at Date of Marriage: 15

Here are some of the likely sharing scenarios (amount payable to the Alternate Payee, either as an offset to 50% of other marital assets; a distribution from the Plan; or a Direct Rollover to an IRA) for the 401k Plan Account:

- $100,000 as of the Date of Complaint
- $125,000 as of the Date of Distribution
- $40,000 as of the Date of Complaint (.5 times 10/25 times $200K)

Conclusion: The better that divorcing parties and their advisors are knowledgeable about their options of how to divide their retirement plan assets, the better their outcomes will be.

These and other retirement plan issues that are experienced by a divorcing couple and their advisors are examined in the recent publication "Dividing Retirement Plan Assets in a Divorce", which is available as a paperback and e-book on

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