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Finding Out How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Tanisha Berg

There are so many different kinds of religions that exist. Some of these are centuries old. They are often what people use as their guiding light throughout life, teaching them important principles and shaping their character. Those who identify with the Christian religion believe in Heaven and Hell. They believe that their actions while alive can impact where the spirit will go after the body has died and so many want to know how to be saved by Jesus.

The answer to this may be different depending on who one asks. There is no universal truth when it comes to what it takes to get saved and even many who follow the same Christian faith disagree on how this is accomplished. No scientific evidence or other facts can be presented either, as every person is different and their walk in faith is just the same.

Nonetheless, there are basic guidelines that many have adopted when talking on this topic. Many agree that the answer to this is not something collaborative. In other words one's faith and spirituality is theirs alone and so is their relationship with Jesus or some other higher power.

It is also common for people to say that one must recognize that they are a sinner and the sins that they have committed. Many religious people believe that no sinner is greater than another and the important thing to do is repent and accept this responsibility. Holy texts say that no sin is better than any other and sinners are all subject to consequences if they do not fully repent and seek forgiveness. Jesus is said to have perished for the sins of every living being so they might be able to have eternal life.

Repenting is of key importance when it comes to this. Individuals are encouraged to repent of their sins and change their behaviors. This means turning away from the bad that has been done and accepting Jesus and a positive path. This is not thought possible by a person alone, but only with guidance and help from the Holy Spirit, which one can receive if he or she asks. He can help transform a person, making him or her into a new creation.

After being forgiven for committed sins, individuals should be happy and rejoice. They must from then forward learn to put their trust and faith in Jesus. An individual must have no doubt and complete faith that they will make it to Heaven and not end up unsaved and in Hell.

Even after repenting and forgiveness, people must stay connected. This can be done through prayer and studying of the word. People are told to allow Him to carry their struggles and have faith when turning things over to Him. Faith is considered important in this situation.

These are not beliefs of all persons, especially not those of non-religious individuals. Every person's relationship with religion and connection with their spirit is different. While there is no universal answer or truth to the question of being saved, there are many general concepts agreed upon. Ultimately, this requires that individuals recognize their mistakes, ask for forgiveness and move forward in a positive direction and with faith in Jesus. Those who are saved are believed to go to Heaven, while others are banished to Hell.

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