The best thing about Jesus is that He was a wise, humble, loving and kind servant, who gave Himself as a sacrifice for many. Before going back to heaven, He created prophetic pastor opportunities that would help people spread the Good News of the Kingdom of heaven to the whole world. Before you start preaching, consider the following things carefully.
When Jesus came, He came with a message of the forgiveness of sins for a world that was already lost and desperate. He said that God loved the world so much that He gave His only one son so that anyone who believes in Him would never taste death but live with God forever in His Kingdom. In everything He said and did, He always demonstrated forgiveness.
You need to learn how to do the same. Once you are born again, you become a new creation, the old things in your life passed away and you are now a saint. However, that does not give you the audacity to use your preaching to condemn those who have not accepted Christ as Lord.
Remember how the person who preached to your about Jesus told you about God in love and in humility. It is because he knew that Jesus is gentle, humble in heart and that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. When you preach to someone, therefore, talk to him or her gently, tell him or her about a loving God not a condemning Father and always remember to tell him or her about a choice giving God, not a fast decisive being.
Jesus came with a message of forgives and he always asked people to always forgive those who wrong against them. Not only did he demonstrate forgiveness to Judas who betrayed Him, He forgave the people who crucified Him as well as the thief on the cross who asked him for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus demonstrated forgiveness when He healed the sick and drove out demons.
It is already clear that the best way to talk to people about forgives is to make them see the value of forgiveness of sins. Instead of telling someone how bad you think they are because they do not want to forgive people who wronged them, teach them about the value and the meaning of forgives. You preaching should give someone a reason to forgive, not an excuse to keep holding on to sins already committed against him or her.
Jesus was indeed a humble servant. Even though He is the son of God, He did everything in Humility and did not take glory for Himself. In everything he did, He gave thanks to God in heave, and even when times were hard for people who were following Him, He would ask them to trust in God.
You have the duty to do the same thing. You need to learn how to give glory back to God after a successful mission in the field. You will be committing a great sin if you take glory back to yourself.
When Jesus came, He came with a message of the forgiveness of sins for a world that was already lost and desperate. He said that God loved the world so much that He gave His only one son so that anyone who believes in Him would never taste death but live with God forever in His Kingdom. In everything He said and did, He always demonstrated forgiveness.
You need to learn how to do the same. Once you are born again, you become a new creation, the old things in your life passed away and you are now a saint. However, that does not give you the audacity to use your preaching to condemn those who have not accepted Christ as Lord.
Remember how the person who preached to your about Jesus told you about God in love and in humility. It is because he knew that Jesus is gentle, humble in heart and that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. When you preach to someone, therefore, talk to him or her gently, tell him or her about a loving God not a condemning Father and always remember to tell him or her about a choice giving God, not a fast decisive being.
Jesus came with a message of forgives and he always asked people to always forgive those who wrong against them. Not only did he demonstrate forgiveness to Judas who betrayed Him, He forgave the people who crucified Him as well as the thief on the cross who asked him for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus demonstrated forgiveness when He healed the sick and drove out demons.
It is already clear that the best way to talk to people about forgives is to make them see the value of forgiveness of sins. Instead of telling someone how bad you think they are because they do not want to forgive people who wronged them, teach them about the value and the meaning of forgives. You preaching should give someone a reason to forgive, not an excuse to keep holding on to sins already committed against him or her.
Jesus was indeed a humble servant. Even though He is the son of God, He did everything in Humility and did not take glory for Himself. In everything he did, He gave thanks to God in heave, and even when times were hard for people who were following Him, He would ask them to trust in God.
You have the duty to do the same thing. You need to learn how to give glory back to God after a successful mission in the field. You will be committing a great sin if you take glory back to yourself.
About the Author:
When you are searching for information about prophetic pastor opportunities, pay a visit to our website here. You can see details at now.
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