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What To Know Before Considering A Colombian Mail Order Bride

By Dora Reed

Throughout most of history arranged marriages have been standard procedure. Parents planned and paid for unions that would prove politically or economically advantageous, both for their daughters and the extended family. That seems heartless to people who believe that love should be the underlying basis for marriage, but there are often excellent reasons to consider the positive potential of a Colombian mail order bride.

Although ordering goods or services on line is common practice today, the idea of finding a mate on the Internet may feel almost illegal. In actual fact, no laws currently forbid people from making personal connections using a website. All on-line dating services are designed to achieve that goal. Internet international marriage brokers operate in a similar fashion, but go a step further.

In reality, most sites are above-board, discreet, and designed for success. Users create an account, browse through the photos and biographical information, and decide whether or not to contact another client. No obligation exists unless the relationship develops. Many people using this method reside in areas where there is a lopsided male-to-female ratio, making a traditional search more difficult.

Colombian culture stresses marriage and family life, but eligible women sometimes encounter a dearth of partners. Economic concerns also rank high as reasons for taking this huge step, and some simply want to live in a region where the prospect of raising children is brighter. They are willing to uproot themselves and move to a country with a different language, customs, and philosophies.

Men ignorant of immigration law sometimes imagine they can simply join a website and order a bride, which is never the case. The involved sites are required to conform to protocols designed to thwart sexual trafficking, slavery and organized prostitution. They must also adhere to current immigration statutes, and violators can pay a heavy price. Under no circumstances should brides be considered a purchase.

There are a series of preliminary steps that must be completed before direct contact is permitted. Administrators collect a final fee only after both parties have agreed to pursue marriage. After that, the site no longer has a role. Future partners must make their own travel arrangements, and need to gain a broad understanding of American immigration policies and citizenship.

Brides must apply for a 90 day temporary visa, and after the marriage takes place will need to obtain a green card. To prove that the marriage was not a fraudulent attempt to gain citizenship, immigration officials routinely do an investigation after two years have elapsed. They examine both personal and financial records thoroughly. If fraud is detected, the bride officially becomes illegal, and loses the green card.

All marriages have the potential to fail, but the long-term success rates of these arranged unions is surprisingly high. The process is never risk-free, and sensational accounts of associated criminal activity have somewhat tarnished the image of this practice. For those people who are lonely and do not want to live that way the rest of their lives, however, a mail order bride is an attractive option.

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