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Important Details Regarding Pentecostal Churches In Katy TX

By Mattie MacDonald

One thing that unites Christians is the belief in the principles of Christ. It means they are all followers of his teachings. One most unfortunate thing is that Christians have different opinions of what Christ taught. Therefore, this religion has several denominations within. Pentecostal churches in Katy TX are part of the many sub-groups within Christianity. It is important for a believer who practices Pentecostalism to establish facts about the denomination.

The number of those seeking information regarding this movement is growing each day. It is only common for people to be interested in things that are of significance in their lives. Over a period of one century, the denomination had grown by more than half a million. As more people are joining the movement, questions about them are also increasing. Pentecostalism was started in the 20th century in America and it is now in all continents.

If you want to fully understand this Christian expression, you need to get to their genesis. That way, you will understand their founding beliefs and those who formed it. That notwithstanding, in terms of performance, Pentecostalism faces the same challenges as other Christian denominations. You will find accounts of their successes and failures. The testimony of receiving the Holy Spirit, like the twelve disciples in the bible is the one thing that brings them together.

Just as it is the case with other Christians, Pentecostals believe the key doctrines of the holy trinity. They also believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ and that the bible is Gods word. Something else that makes them Christians is that they believe the Holy Spirit to be divine and third co-equal of the trinity. This is after the Father and Son. The coming of the Holy Spirit gives this denomination their foundation.

Speaking in tongues is an experience that Pentecostals believe should be a norm for all Christians. This is the first different characteristic from other Christian denominations. While some denominations also believe in this unique gift of speech, they do not find it as a core custom for all Christians. Other Christian expressions think of it as a gift, which the Holy Spirit chooses the people to reward.

The formation of Pentecostalism faced so many challenges. Other established holiness bodies could not accommodate their beliefs. Pentecostals were largely rejected by the recognized denominations of that time. As if that was not enough, nearly all the famous preachers of that time also overruled the creation of a Pentecostal group. Their beliefs were different from other holiness bodies. Pentecostalism appeared more of a cult practiced in urban areas.

As if that is not enough, it was uncommon to find Pentecostal leaders trained in bible schools. Due to that, many Christians believed that the leaders of Pentecostalism were ignorant. They could not imagine attending church where the leader was almost ignorant. Pentecostals were considered as fanatics of emotions, without any form of corrective leadership. Their practice of erecting tents and hiring buildings made them look like a temporary movement.

Instead of giving up, the pioneers of Pentecostalism re-grouped. Together, they were able to start Pentecostalism as another Christian denomination. Presently, they have many sub-groups.

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