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Finding Oklahoma Divorce Records Online

By Claire Dowell

Divorce cases in the state of Oklahoma are increasing rapidly. This is why OK Divorce records are one of the most accessed documents that the state provides to its people. The divorce certificate is considered as a public document since the Freedom of Information Act was in place.

Divorce certificates are one of the documents required by some government offices in order to process a particular request. Most of the transaction that calls for such document usually involves the couple and if the individual is already divorced, proof about the separation has to be provided. Examples of transaction that may require divorce certificates include, but not limited to, insurance, updating of dependents and assets and any matters relate to the finances of a couple. Divorce certificates are also used in genealogy research. Although, it is usually the last document checked by researches, it can create a major confusion for later generation if the separation of a couple is not updated in the family tree. Marriage is also another use of such document. When a divorced individual wishes to marry again, a copy of the separation documents has to be presented during marriage application.

A divorce certificate in Oklahoma would contain information about the divorce. One would know the names of the divorcees and the details of their marriage. Details such as when and where the separation was legalized are the highlights of the document.

Unfortunately, not all of the information about the separation is indicated on a public document. Information such as the reason why the couple decided to separate is only visible to the divorcees. The custody of the children and the sharing of the properties and assets are also kept confidential. All of this information is kept away from the public to protect the individual's privacy.

The Vital Records Section in the state of Oklahoma does not provide a copy of a divorce certificate to its residents. In order to get the document, one has to go to the office of the county clerk where the separation was made legal. There is no standard fee set for the state so the fees would vary per county and it usually does not go beyond $20. One has to know the basic information of the record that is being requested. The requesting individual is also required to indicate their personal information on the request form since it will be used to verify the relationship of the one who requested for the file and the name on the file. The document is only released if the one who filed the request is the divorcee and their immediate elatives. Retrieval of the record can be done in just an hour however, if problems are encountered it can take several days.

Online retrieval of divorce records in Oklahoma is now possible. Doing the search online is easier and convenient for many. A lot of websites are now offering to do the search. One can even do a free public divorce records search through some websites. Other sites offer a fee based search.

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