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Free Online Georgia Divorce Records

By Claire Dowell

Because of emotional distraught and disconnections, conflicts left unresolved, dissatisfaction and a lot more factors, marriages often lead to failure. Unfortunately, if what is left of the relationship could no longer be salvaged, the once said vows could sadly succumb to divorce. In fact, nearly half of the couples who are married divorce at some point in time as per the US Census Bureau. Additionally, the frequency for a marriage to be dissolved is one in every thirteen seconds and that there are 6,646 divorces daily in the States which is quite startling.

Georgia is not exempted to this divorce upsurge. According to the State Bar of Georgia, there are 13 grounds for divorce. One ground is irreversibly broken (no-fault ground) while the other 12 are fault grounds. A no-fault ground means there is already no hope of reconciliation thus one party refuses to live with the other spouse. Fault grounds include adultery, desertion, conviction and imprisonment for certain crimes, mental or physical abuse, drug addiction, mental illness, impotency and a whole lot more.

For your entreaties to be processed, you have to provide the exact information asked in the form. Doing so will enable the office to locate the record you need faster and easier in their database. Particulars such as the husband and the wife's names in full, the date and county where they appealed for the divorce and where it was granted, your relationship to the people involved, and your motive for the record procurement must be indicated as well.

Also, it is imperative to furnish a photo ID and submit a proof of your relationship since not all details entailed in the decree will be disclosed to just anyone in the general public who appeals for the record. This is in pursuant with the Freedom of Information Act of 1966 which reserves the right of the divorced couple to be protected. Crucial facts that are usually not shared with the public include the reason why the couple decided to have their marriage terminated, how their assets and liabilities will be shared, and how the alimony and child custody will be.

Significant details that are requisite include the couple's legal names, date and county where they filed the divorce, your reason for procurement, and your relationship to the divorcees. A copy of your photo ID must also be furnished. Otherwise, these entities will not process your entreaty. When the application form is duly accomplished, enclose with it the required search fee of $10. Take note that such fee, though, is nonrefundable as it is payment for the search itself albeit the divorce record you requested is not located.

To keep up with the increased demands for public registers including divorce records free and fee-based databases have been established by the government and private entities. With these approaches, public documents requested are obtained in no time. You no longer need to visit offices, fall in line, and endure the hassle of the conventional methodology of getting a hold of public archives. In fact, the contemporary method of records retrieval is fast and easy thus it has become the new trend today.

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