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Guidelines When Attending Speed Dating Los Angeles

By Lucia Weeks

When someone talks about going on ten dates in one night it may seem like a joke but the truth is this is possible through speed dating. This is an innovative way of finding new love within a short while where people are given a specific amount of time to interact before moving to the next person. Some people manage to find partners but other leave with their single status. The following are strategies that can be used when speed dating Los Angeles.

Despite the fact that each person in a speed date wants to know more about their partner, within a period of about ten minutes the bell will ring and they will have to speak with the next person. For this reason, one is supposed to write a short biography about themselves before the date and make sure it is very short so that they can spend at most two minutes saying everything they have written. They must make sure all the positive aspects about their lives are included.

They must also have a series of questions that will be answered by the partners. The questions should be structured in a way that helps to learn more about the partner and determine if they should consider building relationships with them. They will also be asked questions in turn so they should answer them confidently to make a perfect first impression.

Self-assurance is an essential virtue in these dates. Numerous people look for partners who have this virtue and also those who carry themselves well. If one feels like they are not confident enough, they should try to show self-assurance. This might make them feel very uncomfortable but they will certainly get used to the feeling after some time and it will appear like it is their true character.

The expectations are also very important when people are speed dating. It is advisable that the people who attend these events be open minded and positive about the people they will meet. Some people make the mistake of thinking they will never find their type hence they end up failing to get a good partner to take for more dates.

Body language and visual communication counts a lot when speed dating. People who act like snobs or fold their arms end up leaving single because this behavior pushes many people away. This is because this gives them the impression that you are either uptight or bored to death. Sometimes it may be mistaken for arrogance.

Sometimes, people take the act of bending forward as a sign of paying attention and listening. People are advised to always keep it casual and ease their bodies so that they do not seem too uptight. They must however try as much as possible not to seem nervous during the dates.

Above all, speed dating is supposed to be fun and interesting. The pressure of trying to say as much as you can within a short time is what makes this activity interesting hence people should just let go and have fun. If all the tips above are followed then this task should be the easiest thing to do.

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