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Online Brain Exercise Games For Adults

By Claudine Hodges

People are more aware now than ever before that the brain ages like the body. Many of the things that keep our bodies healthy - like exercise, sufficient sleep, a nutritious diet, and stress management - also benefit our minds. In addition, there are new ways spawned by the information age to keep the mind going strong. Research shows that brain exercise games for adults are helpful in maintaining and even restoring cognitive function.

Neuro science has combined with the information age to create online games designed to stimulate the brain in specific, beneficial ways. Studies show that playing this kind of carefully crafted game can help retard memory loss, improve focus, and enhance task performance. This validates earlier research that showed the importance of daily decision making. Patients in nursing homes that were allowed to make simple choices and help with routine tasks like setting the table stayed mentally competent longer than those relegated to inactivity.

The effects go further than one might suppose. Testing shows that people who engage in specially-designed online mental gymnastics are more creative. They show improvement in the ability to focus on tasks and therefore get more done. They are also more motivated, which helps them to accomplish more and take pleasure in doing so.

Moderation is important when engaging in online gaming. Just as people can exercise too much, eat too much of even good food, and take more medication or supplements than necessary, mental gaming can be over-done. Twenty minute sessions several times a week are recommended, but game-playing can be addictive. Research shows that habitual and repetitious activity is not highly beneficial.

Other things enter into mental health. Interaction with people is important, so turn off the computer after the prescribed time and meet with friends and family. Play a game that involves two or more to get the benefits of mental challenge and socialization at the same time. If the game includes physical activity, which promotes a healthy blood flow to the brain, so much the better.

Social activities can be mind stimulating. Bridge, Backgammon, Mah Jongg, and chess involve two or more people, and they are all mentally challenging. Variety is another thing that boosts mental capacity, so try changing the routine instead of falling into habits. Interacting with other people in pleasant ways has a measurable effect on the lobe of the brain that controls decision making and planning.

Being happy is good for over-all mental health. Research substantiates the beneficial effects of positive emotions and experiences on quality of life. In fact, concentrating on happy memories is a technique that has been shown to alleviate depression. Experts suggest replaying good times, with all the details of action and conversation, when a darker mood threatens serenity.

Keep everything in balance, and solitary computer gaming can play a valuable part in keeping the mind strong, active, and capable. Programs online can actually chart progress of members who play regularly. As part of a lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, adequate water intake and physical activity, and time spent happily with family and friends, online mental exercise games have proved to be very beneficial.

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