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Free Divorce Records In New York

By Claire Dowell

Over the years, there has been a significant drop in the divorce rate in America according to Statistics. In fact, marriages are stronger today than they have been in a long time. It was in the 1970s and early 1980s when divorce rate peaked. For the three decades since, the rate of divorce fortunately has been declining. Reasons for the dramatic drop in the marriage dissolution rate include later marriages, birth control, and even the rise of so-called love marriages.

As of the year 2012, the New York State Department of Health was able to record a total of 58,556 divorces in the state. Legal grounds include cruelty, abandonment, imprisonment, adultery including reasons that aren't stated with abandonment ranking first and cruelty second. Marriages that are within 5-9 years of duration account for the highest percentage in the total divorce number in New York State in that same year.

Although most records generated by government repositories are deemed public, divorce records specifically divorce decrees are restricted only to the persons indicated in the document and to those who have been issued with a court order allowing them to request for such file. Divorce certificates, the other type of divorce record, are accessible through the Department of Public Health in New York State. They are not restricted as they contain only the basic information about the divorce. Nonetheless, the only certificates of divorce that can be accessed or requested at the state level are those that transpired and recorded on or after January 1, 1963.

Divorce registers, along with other vital documents, are very beneficial in so many ways thus the state has appointed agencies to identify, classify, track and archives them for the public's reference. As long as applicable laws are adhered to in the procurement process, anyone can file a request for any divorce records in the State of New York including those of divorce registers. Certain fees apply and such fees, however, depend on which type of divorce record is perused and the type of handling chosen. Each copy of a divorce record in New York State, whether you obtain it locally through the court, County Clerk's Office, or through the State Office, is $30. For priority handling, however, an additional $15 is requisite so you will be paying a total of $45.

Orders placed with priority handling are processed within 2 - 4 weeks while those with regular handling take 10 - 12 weeks to be processed. To place an order for any divorce records in New York, a form must be completed. First, you have to download this through the Department of Health's online portal. Take note that divorce registers in New York, specifically the more comprehensive type or divorce decrees, are restricted to those people indicated in the record. If you are outside the restriction, you have to secure a New York State Court Order before you can file a request for a divorce record in the State of New York. This court order must then be submitted along with the completed application or request form to the right agency. The payment must also be enclosed and must be made via check or money order only.

Technology has indeed played a significant role in expediting transactions and services today. With innovations like the Internet, it is easier to retrieve records. New York divorce record requests can now be filed online especially with alternative record solutions that offer the same service for a much faster turnaround. Public records are already available through various alternative repositories. But are divorce records public? Certainly! Divorce records, along with other registers, are considered public and thus can be accessed by any member of the general public who wishes to as long as the applicable laws are adhered to and the proper procedure of getting a hold of them is strictly followed. Also, because it is done through the Web, your desired record is just one click away. What's more, you are absolved from the hassle the manual method of record procurement entails!

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