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The Family History Of The Quranists

By Olivia Cross

The Quran, or Koran, is the central religious text of the Islamic faith. Its followers consider it to be a revelation from God. Many Muslims, or followers of Islam, refer to other religious texts, such as the Hadith, a collection of prophetic traditions. Quranists, a subset of Muslims, adhere only the Quran.

Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions. All three belief systems are based on the history of the same family, that of the prophet Abraham. What follows explains the basis of the three religions based on the story of Abraham as found in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. It is not an attempt to convert anyone to a particular faith and is meant to be purely descriptive.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He planned to create a home where mankind could live and He could enjoy relationships with each and every one of them. Adam and Eve were intended to live in the Garden of Eden and be the parents of all humanity. He gave them the complete freedom of Paradise; the only thing he told them they were not to do was to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

Satan, originally one of God's three archangels, was jealous and hated mankind. One day, Eve was walking alone in the Garden of Eden. Taking the form of a serpent, or snake, Satan convinced her that nothing bad would happen to her if she ate the forbidden fruit. So she did, and she gave some to Adam.

God was furious. He had given them everything. All He had asked in return was one little thing, not to eat the fruit, and they went and did it anyway. They were thrown out of heaven. Centuries later, the descendants of Adam and Eve had discovered lower levels of sin and spent their lives doing their own thing rather than obeying God's principles. God despaired of his creation, and sent a flood to destroy the whole sorry lot. The only ones spared were Noah and his family.

Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives, survived the ordeal of the flood and carried on repopulating the planet. It wasn't long, however, before their descendants fell into sin and moral decay. God found a man named Abraham who lived according to God's principles. He made a promise to Abraham that he would father a great nation. After years went by without giving birth, Sarah, Abraham's wife, allowed her maid, Hagar, to have a child by Abraham. The boy's name was Ishmael, and the family lived in harmony for many years.

Then Sarah and Abraham had a son of their own, Isaac, and Sarah lost interest in the 13 year-old Ishmael. She cast them onto the street. God sent an angel to Hagar to comfort her and assure her that her son, Ishmael, would be the father of a great nation. This nation became the arabs, who established Islam.

So there it is, the story of Abraham. That is why Judaism, Islam and Christianity are called the Abrahamic religions, because they all have their roots in this one man's family. While there are some major fundamental differences, there is more to unite them than there is to divide them.

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