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Beware Of Wearing Monogram Necklace Pendants

By Stella Gay

Even with our current level of awareness, many people are still victimized in various ways by people who possess those colorful personality traits most common to a sociopath. These unsavory individuals will seek any personal data they can get in order to gain access to their prey. When one wears monogram necklace pendants, they are giving out personal information.

This pendant nearly always carries all three initials, and such letters assist one who is lurking on the periphery of their life. Once they know the name of their victim, usually a woman or a girl, they move in for the catch. The irony is that it is generally the one who most wishes to protect this person, like the husband or father, who buys them this article of jewelry.

Many women take it a bit further and will wear their whole name around their necks. Now, think of a teenager with such an item proudly displayed, coupled with her softball team jersey from last year that clearly shows her last name. That teenager is now easily stalked, especially if her name is unique.

For young people who are just old enough to not hold their parents hand all the time, a predator lurking about might hear a parent or teacher yell their name out, and will be able to match it to the letters. Such an observer may have a whole arsenal of tricks up her or his sleeve to convince a child to come with them.

The younger the child, the easier it is to get someone to give them a name to go along with their necklace. Exchanging names is a mind trick designed to disarm the person emotionally and make it easier for you to get information out of them. When one creates a rapport with another, even if it is for only a moment, then they are instantly vulnerable to what the other person intends for them.

Adults can be subjected to this same sort of manipulation, especially when the stranger is able to bring up something they may have in common. It may not be uncommon for the farmer to claim they have the same name, Janice. This tactic is designed to mentally disarm a person.

Big, flashy, and outrageously expensive monogrammed necklaces became quite popular with the rise of rap music in popular culture. This brings young men and boys to the table, wearing not only an item with their initials, but one that is also large and flashy. Let the attacker approach them by donning the same look, and these young people may find themselves in more danger than ever expected.

Church or school initials are also commonly worn on articles of jewelry worn by young people, and one should be aware of their surroundings while they have it on. Once a person knows how to find you in other areas of your life, you are running a serious risk of being stalked. After all, most pendants hung up are second copies with a more valuable original at home.

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