Some followers of Christ tend to overemphasize the role of the devil, blaming him for every conflict, sin and problem. At the other extreme are those who completely ignore the fact that the Bible speaks about a battle against spiritual powers. In the light of these two extremes, it becomes important to help believers understand spiritual warfare. Many Christian authors have written about this topic and their books are sold at online stores today. Fighting against the enemies of God is part of establishing His kingdom. This is not carnal or fleshly aggression. It is using discernment, authority and unwavering faith to overcome evil.
It is hard for us to think about warfare in a positive light when all we see about us are wars that bring about great devastation. However, when reading the Bible, the imagery used is that of war and so we cannot just ignore it. Such a battle does not refer to aggression in the physical realm. We need to understand what it really means in order to become victorious Christians.
The enemies Christians face are not flesh and blood. As mentioned in Ephesians, the battle is against principalities and powers. The battle is between the kingdom of God and what opposes it. Through the death of Christ and His resurrection, the power of Satan was broken and victory was won. This is a battle where the outcome is already known and His followers have to claim their freedom and liberty as children of God.
In this battle, weapons like guns, bullets or bombs are not effective. Instead, Christians are instructed to use the weapons of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, prayer, and the word of God to fight the battle. In facing the battle against deception, temptations and accusations, their primary defense is their salvation and their primary offense is the sword of the Word. Jesus Himself used the Word to counter temptation.
Instead of being motivated by hatred and a desire to destroy, the reason for this battle is love. God loves mankind so much that He sent Jesus to die for us on the cross. Jesus shed His blood for us and reconciled us to the Father. This gives us all the authority required to fight against the forces of evil.
When Christ died on the cross, this gave His believers all the authority they need to overcome the evil one. It is not enough to simply be defensive. Christians have to attack, using the sword of the Word. They need to take ground and stand firm.
Believers may become discouraged in the course of the battle. This is when faith and perseverance are essential. They need to turn to God to receive new strength instead of giving in to futility and giving up before victory is fully established.
Believers have to constantly stand on the fact that Christ paid a great price when He shed His blood for them. They have to use the Word as Jesus did when he was faced with temptation. In doing so, they overcome evil and further the establishment of the kingdom of God.
It is hard for us to think about warfare in a positive light when all we see about us are wars that bring about great devastation. However, when reading the Bible, the imagery used is that of war and so we cannot just ignore it. Such a battle does not refer to aggression in the physical realm. We need to understand what it really means in order to become victorious Christians.
The enemies Christians face are not flesh and blood. As mentioned in Ephesians, the battle is against principalities and powers. The battle is between the kingdom of God and what opposes it. Through the death of Christ and His resurrection, the power of Satan was broken and victory was won. This is a battle where the outcome is already known and His followers have to claim their freedom and liberty as children of God.
In this battle, weapons like guns, bullets or bombs are not effective. Instead, Christians are instructed to use the weapons of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, prayer, and the word of God to fight the battle. In facing the battle against deception, temptations and accusations, their primary defense is their salvation and their primary offense is the sword of the Word. Jesus Himself used the Word to counter temptation.
Instead of being motivated by hatred and a desire to destroy, the reason for this battle is love. God loves mankind so much that He sent Jesus to die for us on the cross. Jesus shed His blood for us and reconciled us to the Father. This gives us all the authority required to fight against the forces of evil.
When Christ died on the cross, this gave His believers all the authority they need to overcome the evil one. It is not enough to simply be defensive. Christians have to attack, using the sword of the Word. They need to take ground and stand firm.
Believers may become discouraged in the course of the battle. This is when faith and perseverance are essential. They need to turn to God to receive new strength instead of giving in to futility and giving up before victory is fully established.
Believers have to constantly stand on the fact that Christ paid a great price when He shed His blood for them. They have to use the Word as Jesus did when he was faced with temptation. In doing so, they overcome evil and further the establishment of the kingdom of God.
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