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How Do I Start Taking To God My Troubles

By Joanna Walsh

There are times when life is difficult until you have no idea what you can do except think of your problems. If you are one of those people who are asking how do I start taking to God my problems, it is time you stop asking the heavy question and learn how to take your burdens to the cross of Christ. It is at the cross where you will see the light, and you can be sure that the burdens of your heart will be lifted away.

You have to accept yourself the way you are, and never wish at one point in your life that you are like someone else who is having a happy moment in life. There is a reason why God let trouble happen to someone, one of the major one being that you can call on him and see that he is the only one who is able to help you. That you have accepted yourself just the way you are is good enough a reason for God to help you out of trouble.

In any case, no matter how hard the situation may be, you need to know that God is always there in moments of trouble and depressions. You need to have the conviction that God is able to help before you can take your troubles to him. You cannot approach the Supreme Being if you have the conviction that He cannot be of help to you.

The next step is to build faith in God. Jesus said that if you have faith, even just as little as the size of the mustard seed, doing wonders will not be a problem to you, as just a little measure of faith as this can even move mountains. Faith is about believing and certain of things you have not seen.

You can see now that there is actually a loving God to whom you can take all your worries any time you have them. It does not matter what type of pain or trouble you are going through, as God is there all the time to help you. According to the scriptures, God is a compassionate and loving being, one who is always there at the hour of need.

Pray to God through Jesus, telling him all the things that you desire and the troubles that you are going through. Ask him to open the eyes and ears of your understanding and knowledge respectively so that you find a solution to these problems soon.

The next thing you need to do is to pray. The Bible is clear that those who ask receive, those who seek find what they need and those who knock at the heavenly doors will always get an appropriate response. It does not matter what kind of problem you have, taking a simple step of faith, writing your problems down and taking it all to God in prayers is enough.

Do not look for other means to solve your problems. God is always there to help. He made a promise to do so from the start.

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