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Negativity In The Male Perspective On Divorce

By Stella Gay

Unlike what most of the media would tell the people, it is not always the fault of the man when a marriage does not work out. Of course when divorce becomes an issue in this case, then the men will always be at a disadvantage because most of the laws regarding these cases are actually biased. According to the general male perspective on divorce, it can be seen that men are definitely the ones that will lose out.

To start off, one should remember that when it comes to the custody of children, the mother will almost always win. Since generally the mothers are the ones that would take care of the children, then naturally the court will favor the mother even if she was at fault to begin with.The rationale behind that is of course the saying that goes mother knows best.

Now not only will this affect the relationship of the children with the father but it will also make the father be put it a bad light. Since the influence of the mother is usually stronger than the dad, then the children may actually antagonize their father. It is because of this that a lot of children who come from broken families are not that close to their fathers.

Another thing that happens during this case is that a man might risk losing most of his assets if his wife would file for a divorce. The problem here is that when a couple get married, the wife would have access to the assets of the husband which means that in court, she may fight for it. Sometimes the wife is able to claim some of those assets during the court case.

Now the most common example would of course be the rights to the car and the house. Since both the husband and the wife are owners of the house, then the wife may actually claim ownership even if the husband paid for them. This is simply because most laws would state that a marriage is a partnership wherein both parties will share their assets.

Now another very disadvantageous thing to men that would happen during a case like this would of course be alimony. Now alimony is paid by the husband to the ex wife as his support to her and their children after marriage. The bad part here is that even if the ex wife is already stable and has another man, the ex husband must still give her money.

Now fortunately, not all states are very extreme when it comes to the laws regarding alimony. There are some states that would first require a proper court procedure before the ex wife can claim anything from the ex husband. However, there are also some states that are more biased toward women and would favor the woman over the man.

Because of the gender biased laws, it can be clearly seen that divorce for men can be a living hell. Now with the strengthening of liberation, many men are fighting for their rights against these gender biased laws. Hopefully in the future, men can file for a divorce without having to deal with all those other headaches.

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