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Using A Christian Social Network To Enhance Fellowship And Evangelism

By Toni Vang

Today's Christian exists in a very modernized world. Many things have changed since the early days of the faith and in order to remain relevant believers must remain current. This means taking advantage of some of the modern accessories in order to ensure that they are able to function effectively in the world they occupy. A christian social network is great modern tool for evangelism and fellowship purposes.

Christians yearn for fellowship, which is essentially a get-together of like minded individual for worship and social related purposes. This fellowship is difficult to achieve when so many believers today are engaged in hectic lifestyles. Busy schedules keep believers away from traditional fellowship forums. Online forums make it easy for fellowship to take place among those who a re unable to make it to physical meetings.

Even though getting together for fellowship is difficult these days, Christians are well aware of the importance of this activity. This is because fellowship helps to strengthen their faith. Examples of spiritual breakthrough, shared through testimonies, help to encourage Christians who are facing challenges to remain steadfast. In addition to testimonies, believers benefit from spiritual advise and exhortations that they receive through online fellowship.

Fellowship also enhances the social lives of Christians. It is through fellowship that many people find friends and develop lifelong relationships. Many marriages had their genesis in fellowship sessions. This is good for believers as they meet like minded individuals through these forums which increases the likelihood that the relationships started will be spiritually sound.

Evangelism is arguably, the most important responsibility of the Christian. Christians are entrusted with the task of spreading the good news of the gospel to those who have not heard it and encouraging others to accept the gift of salvation. Many Christians have a yearning to reach the masses but are unable to do so because of limited resources. Online forums help these and other believers to fulfill this role conveniently.

Christians who decide to harness the power of the internet for evangelism purposes do so with good reason. The modernization of society has led to a situation in which millions of people spend a great portion of their time in the virtual world. The virtual world is the host of many professional and social activities. This makes the internet an ideal place to preach the gospel.

Through online mediums, evangelists get to reach millions of people around the world with their messages despite geographical boundaries. This removes or in some cases, eliminates the need for traveling missions which can be taking financially as well as physically. It also means that the persecution that some missionaries face when they make physical journeys into some regions can be avoided.

Online fellowship and evangelism is very cost effective. The cost of transportation from home to the various physical locations is eliminated. The physical energy expended for this type of traveling is also avoided. These are advantages that combine to help to make these virtual meeting places so popular among today's believers.

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