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Basic Information On Physician Aided Death

By Tammie Caldwell

While there are many people who do not want to die, especially at their own hand or that of another, assisted suicide is a topic that has long been discussed. It is defined as suicide that is committed with help of another individual. When the other person is a doctor, this is referred to as physician aided death. This occurs when doctors intentionally and knowingly provide an individual with the means or knowledge to kill themselves.

Physician-assisted suicide, also called PAS, may involve doctors offering counseling to patients on lethal dosage of drugs, as well as prescribing them and supplying them with these. Another euphemism that might be used in describing this act is assisted dying. The practice is not the same as mercy killing or euthanasia, which involves physicians administered death via lethal drug.

PAS is done with the consent and request of patients. These individuals will self-administer what is needed to cause the death. This is an interest for a lot of people. The conversation associated with this touches on a number of issues related to law, religion, morals, society and ethics. This practice, after all, involves a form of suicide and murder.

Some are curious as to why people would want this to be done. Many times, patients who request PAS have life-limiting or chronic sicknesses. They may have lose all hope in getting better and regaining control of their life. On top of this, they might feel a lot of physical pain and discomfort that cannot be relieved. Requesting an aided death may be their way of regaining some control over their life. That is, they can choose how they want to die.

This act has been legalized in Columbia, Australia and Japan. Still, it is considered illegal in most other areas of the world and still remains a topic of controversy. People who are suffering might see this as the only option they have. In fact, they could welcome death because it seems like a preferred reality to the illness and pain they are experiencing. Sometimes loved ones are encouraging and respectful of this decision, but every situation is different.

Most people that seek this action want to have a better quality of life, but feel as if this is not an available option. They might be in such bad shape that the their physical suffering as significantly reduced their happiness. Frustration is another emotion patients might experience, especially if they know that there is not much that can be done to remedy their condition or save their lives. Opponents have concerns as well, such as: prejudice against the disabled, slippery slope argument, religious and medical ethics, public safety risks, and the role of physicians.

People interested in learning more about this are encouraged to do research. There are numerous resources that provide information on this topic. Although there are many who are against this act, there are also organizations in support of PAS.

Knowledge is key when it comes to discussing and forming an opinion about suicide. Many do not believe this is the right answer, but not all have been in the same shoes as people who have considered it. Suicide can be hard to understand and even more difficult to accept.

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