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Ethical Issues In Assisted Suicide States

By Tammie Caldwell

Mercy killing is one of the most controversial issues since the time of civilization. Many cultures in the past have done so, not only for animals but also for humans. Conservative and religious cultures are against this while other cultures have considered its legalization. In the US, this has been legalized in several states like Vermont, Oregon, and Washington. There had been a lot of assisted suicide cases in those places.

For many religious groups and humane societies, they strongly oppose this type of killing. They strongly believe that death is not in the hands of man. It is a natural cause or occurrence that cannot be administered by any human being. These assisted suicide states require that the terminally ill patient requests the act to be acted upon him or her.

Another requirement is that the patient needs to be in his or her stable state of mind upon the request and that two doctors have diagnosed the same terminal illness and that he or she has no more than six months remaining to live. There should also be two witnesses present during the time assisted suicide was requested. Finally, the patient is allowed to change his or her mind within fifteen days. If the request remains to be certain, then the doctor can proceed.

Once the patient requests the same thing after fifteen days, the medical practitioner performs euthanasia. This issue has heated once again when a brain cancer patient named Brittany Murphy has gone viral when she immediately decided, strong willed, to end her life with the aid of a medical professional. She has made her decision after being diagnosed. She was not even thirty years old yet. She was really beautiful and she had a perfect life.

Since then, there are already bills being passed on with regards to its legalization. Maynard was still so young. She was pretty, educated, and had a happy disposition. When she knew she barely had the chance at the disease, she decided to move to Oregon, where the act was legal.

Her choice to die has become a controversy in the medical, social, cultural, and political realms. It has sparked different opinions from several groups. In addition, her decision has made other terminally ill individuals to consider the option, which most family members oppose.

Various groups have opposing opinions. In the first few months of twenty fifteen, around ten states have already passed a bill waiting for approval from the Supreme Court, not to mention other states that have passed bills as well the previous year. Politicians and legislators have also been divided with this and they are having dilemma in weighing decisions.

Maynard has created a great impact, both negative and positive to the society. The bills passed on are yet to be approved and as always, there are two sides of the coin. Perspectives regarding the issue are divided and everyone has the right to express how they feel about the issue. Among the different realms affected, the political realm is most pressured.

Legislators are now having a dilemma whether or not the bills are to be approved or not. The issue is still so fresh and the two sides of the coin have become demanding. The subject is stressful and there are so many cultures and societies that might follow the path of America if they decide to finally legalize this in most, if not all, states and regions.

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