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According To Hemlock Society Euthanasia Is Humane For Humans

By Ruthie Calderon

There are a number of organizations that promote terminally ill people the right to die. One of these, Compassion And Choices believes in the right to a peaceful death rather than continuing to suffer. This organization has specific goals. Previously called hemlock society euthanasia its goals are specific.

It is notable that the pets, our dogs and cats, are not forced to suffer through a lingering illness when there is no hope for recovery. If we can bestow that kindness on the animals we love, the same compassion should be available to human beings. Physician-assisted suicide has been promoted in a number of ways.

While hospice care may be excellent, it does not completely obliterate all the pain. Many physicians have an unspoken and unacknowledged agreement with the family to increase the pain medication to a level that will induce a peaceful ending to the pain. In this way a pointless period of a few days suffering will be allayed.

Medically assisted dying is considered an improvement in care. Oregons Dying with Dignity is now accepted as legal. There may be some who, for religious or personal reasons, do not want to end their life any sooner than necessary. Of course, none of those people should be coerced into accepting assisted death. On the other hand, no patient begging to end his pain, should be refused a compassionate granting of that wish.

If someone is not able to have this type of peaceful death, they may feel the only way is to commit suicide any way they can. It can only add to the grief their family is left with. All good memories will be overshadowed by the ugliness of a violent death. It may be a gunshot or leaping from a high building. How much better it is for it to be a peace method of ending life.

It may be enough to just have the decision placed in the hands of the patient. He will be allowed to have control over his life. After that right is granted, he may not want to use it. It still provides a sense of security.

Lethal injection is one method of euthanasia used to provide an end to life for patients close to the end or those who suffer chronic pain that is not going to be alleviated. Drugs are administered orally, intravenously or intramuscularly. Some critically ill people are unable to swallow and therefore need the intramuscular or intravenous method. The fastest method is introducing three different medications through an IV.

When the patient is being kept breathing by artificial means, it is up to the relative named in the living will to direct the doctor to turn off the machines. The trusted relative will stand by to see that the final wishes are carried out. This living will is a legal document that is signed, witnessed and notarized.

This legal document provides peace of mind to many, especially senior citizens. If they state no lifesaving measures should be taken, they will not be put on a respirator in the first place. They will never be kept alive in a vegetative state. The wishes that are stated in the living will determine what procedures can and cannot be used.

If it states that only palliative care should be provided, then no other care can be imposed. If they are no longer conscious, their wishes will be honored. The living will is a legal document, signed and witnessed by two other people.

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