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Connecting A Biblical Timeline And Associated Events

By Elaine Guthrie

Over the years, different Christian and other denominations have tried to set forth a timeline of the Bible. Or, at least a timeline of biblical events. Now, there are several new Biblical Timeline websites which provide timelines for a number of different historic events as reported in what is often called the word of god.

The Bible, Old and New Testaments are mostly tied to the Christian faith; Whereas, the Torah is the sacred book of the Jews. When it comes to other denominations or sects, most have their own books, legends and myths which surround different events. Yet, in all cases, the initial creation of time is something most agree happened at one time or another regardless of the events reported in the Bible.

Events having taken place during this time frame include the actions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the fall of man, or like Sleeping Beauty, Eve, the first woman to have been born out of Adam's rib having eaten an evil or sin-filled apple. It is not until around 2067 when the birth of Isaac is reported to have taken place along with the destruction of Sodom. The sacrifice of Isaac according to historical accounts of the bible also took place during this time and only shortly after birth.

If there could be anything more violent than killing a first born son, then Cain killing Abel and Noah arriving on the scene are most likely the next two dramatic stories in the Old Testament. The violence of the sacrifice and the killing of Abel are often overshadowed by scriptures which have, and continue to provide a source for the unkind to create acts of bigotry and hatred among others in our day.

As the Old Testament is often used in these timetables, the stories generally relate to the beginning of time rather than the end. For, in all honesty, without knowing the ultimate truth of how time began, one can not know how it will end either on a personal or religious level. For, while some see a second coming of Christ to take those whom have accepted Jesus as Savior to an eternal home, others believe the son of God has already returned. Whereas, others have no belief in a God, Savior or afterlife.

When it comes to lessons surrounding suffering and faith, it is reported that the story of Job and his lack of faith and suffering arrived on the scene sometime between 2100 BC and 2500 BC along with the building of the tower of Babel. In 2091, it is reported that God sent Abraham to Egypt which later resulted in the famine in Canaan.

A lot can be learned from these and other biblical timelines. Whether an individual is a believer or otherwise, there are a number of benefits to reading the Bible. For, only when one has the information and facts presented by one side can the other side then prove or disprove the existence thereof. As such, these timelines can prove useful for believers and non-believers alike.

Regardless of belief, these timetables contain historical accounts of ancient time through different accounts written down by scholars and scribes, some true, others not. As such, it can often be hard to decipher legend and myth from truth when reading through different passages, especially when those who wrote the stories may not even know if the stories are true or otherwise.

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