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How Do I Start Taking To God

By April Briggs

Christians who are newborn and those who are already existing Christians would somehow struggle when it comes to talking with the Lord. Even if one has very strong faith in God, there are actually times when he will also feel like he is all alone. So in this type of situation, it is always best to go back to the basics and learn again how do i start taking to god.

In order to talk to god, first of all, one needs to build a relationship with him. The relationship also has to be nurtured so that one will be able to feel the presence of God. The important thing is not hearing the voice of the Lord but feeling his presence because one will be able know the message just by feeling the mere presence.

Now there is nowhere else to look for more information about God than the Bible. The Bible is rich full of information about the Lord and will tell of stories of the Israelites and Jesus Christ. Other than that, it also offers some of the advice from the Lord to the followers down on earth who are suffering with their life and also the path to get to Heaven.

Now prayer is also a very important aspect with regard to the relationship. Prayer is the way that God will be able to hear anyone and will also be able to respond. It is through this short conversation wherein one will really be able to know how to talk to the Creator and be able to express his feelings as well as let out any tension he has.

Now since the Lord is in a spiritual plane that is separate from that of the humans, then it is essential that one be able to open up himself first. In order to talk to God, one has to let out his vulnerabilities and let God be the source of comfort. A proud man will not be able to show his face in the presence of the Lord.

Of course the Holy Spirit is the spirit that would give warmth to those who would be in contact with God. Once one has already opened himself up to the Lord, then he will be able to feel the Holy Spirit. The feeling of its presence is a very warm one that would give one comfort even during the hardest times.

Now faith is one of the most crucial aspects of having a relationship with God because it is really hard to believe in something that cannot be seen. However, it is more on something that is felt by the heart and not seen by the eyes. One has to first have faith in God and find God in his life before he can feel this warmth.

Yes it is actually very hard to find comfort in a higher being because he does not show himself physically. However, with faith, one can actually experience a lot of beautiful feelings that he would not usually experience. This is exactly what is happening if one would start talking to and bonding with God.

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