Someone, I don't know who, once perfectly said it...something like...if your value is determined by others compliments, then you also will be destroyed by their criticisms.
I didn't completely understand this quote till recently. But now, I completely get it.
I assume this is the very first time in a very long time that I've heard about someone in particular saying bad things about me behind my back. For a second, it rocked me. For the minutes to hours after, it fueled me. I put those comments in a special place inside me that I'm able to go to each day when I need them. The truth is, incentive is many things for many different people. Ideally you would want to set a positive goal for yourself and work hard towards achieving that goal. Nonetheless the fuel we must burn might actually not always be clean.
Often, it might sometimes burn black.
I often talk passionately about the balance of life...light and dark...especially deep within the soul, and I believe that we will find things within ourselves that may fuel our actions even though the fuel itself isn't pure. I am talking about the times someone recounted something malicious, terrible, rude or merely hurtful in all. For some, those things can positively ruin their ambitions. To be honest and truthful, that occurred many times with me. I really did not have the belief in myself yet to "do it" regardless of what anyone said.
These things that people say, in the final analysis, aren't even truly about you. I know cause I have been on the other side. I recollect a point when I couldn't say good things because I detested myself. I detested that they were doing it and I could not. I abhorred everything about that person because they could make the sacrifices...they had the willpower...they were actually...doing what I had always dreamed of.
You can spend your life blaming people and attempting to bring other people down because you have got a useless life or you can focus upon loving yourself and others, something you absolutely and truly need to be a positive person and inspire other people and their dreams. At the end, spewing hate only tears you apart. Karma really does come around in one way or another and takes care of business. Been there too.
You are either for others or against them.
Be for other people. Be for their dreams...that makes you a warm person inside. Be for relationships. That cold heart you are harboring is only going to freeze harder and eventually split into tons of pieces. Hate, envy, and anger will cut you in half and you will spend several years battling between the loving side and the terrible side. Once again, been there. Irrespective of what you do, people are going to not like you for some reason. They are going to be rubbed the wrong way, they will really not like your hair, your eyes, your nose, your voice, your image...they will find a way. Don't sweat it. Your true self is on course. Because honestly, no one has ever talked trash about someone who didn't mean something to them in some way.
Remember that. Not everybody is going to enjoy peaches.
So you must truly really matter to them. So much, in fact, they have been taking time out of their day to speak about you. What an honor.
So cheers...haters...I tip my cap to you. I must be headed in the proper direction.
I didn't completely understand this quote till recently. But now, I completely get it.
I assume this is the very first time in a very long time that I've heard about someone in particular saying bad things about me behind my back. For a second, it rocked me. For the minutes to hours after, it fueled me. I put those comments in a special place inside me that I'm able to go to each day when I need them. The truth is, incentive is many things for many different people. Ideally you would want to set a positive goal for yourself and work hard towards achieving that goal. Nonetheless the fuel we must burn might actually not always be clean.
Often, it might sometimes burn black.
I often talk passionately about the balance of life...light and dark...especially deep within the soul, and I believe that we will find things within ourselves that may fuel our actions even though the fuel itself isn't pure. I am talking about the times someone recounted something malicious, terrible, rude or merely hurtful in all. For some, those things can positively ruin their ambitions. To be honest and truthful, that occurred many times with me. I really did not have the belief in myself yet to "do it" regardless of what anyone said.
These things that people say, in the final analysis, aren't even truly about you. I know cause I have been on the other side. I recollect a point when I couldn't say good things because I detested myself. I detested that they were doing it and I could not. I abhorred everything about that person because they could make the sacrifices...they had the willpower...they were actually...doing what I had always dreamed of.
You can spend your life blaming people and attempting to bring other people down because you have got a useless life or you can focus upon loving yourself and others, something you absolutely and truly need to be a positive person and inspire other people and their dreams. At the end, spewing hate only tears you apart. Karma really does come around in one way or another and takes care of business. Been there too.
You are either for others or against them.
Be for other people. Be for their dreams...that makes you a warm person inside. Be for relationships. That cold heart you are harboring is only going to freeze harder and eventually split into tons of pieces. Hate, envy, and anger will cut you in half and you will spend several years battling between the loving side and the terrible side. Once again, been there. Irrespective of what you do, people are going to not like you for some reason. They are going to be rubbed the wrong way, they will really not like your hair, your eyes, your nose, your voice, your image...they will find a way. Don't sweat it. Your true self is on course. Because honestly, no one has ever talked trash about someone who didn't mean something to them in some way.
Remember that. Not everybody is going to enjoy peaches.
So you must truly really matter to them. So much, in fact, they have been taking time out of their day to speak about you. What an honor.
So cheers...haters...I tip my cap to you. I must be headed in the proper direction.
About the Author:
Evan Sanders is the author of The Words Of Encouragement, a website dedicated to bringing the best quotes, motivational content on the web, and blogs all to one place. Need to move on? A lover talking behind your back? Try out these ex boyfriend quotes.
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