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Reason For Youth Unemployment In South Africa

By Elaine Guthrie

Youth unemployment is at an all-time high even fresh graduates are finding it hard to secure and entry-level job. This is due to several factors that need addressing. It is better this problem is address now as the figure are continuously rising. Below are reasons why there is high youth unemployment in South Africa.

The number one cause factor is the education system. The system does not equip them with the necessary skills that make them aggressive in life or in the job market. Education is more than learning facts. Students should be taught how to take care of themselves and the values that are important for one to succeed in life.

The other cause of unemployment is location and travel. A large number of citizens live far from their place of work. There is no cheap means of transport that the large workforce can use to reach where they work. The cost of travel is also high thus; they cannot work and spend three quarters of the salary on travel.

Poverty has led to hopelessness among the youth. This is because the meager pay they earn plus they parents cannot sustain them in school. Therefore, they only settle for mining and other low paying jobs. They become discouraged and start weird behaviors. Such a person cannot be employed even if a job opportunity presented itself. The course in the university and colleges are also beyond reach of the ordinary citizen.

The country has a vibrant mining sector and several under developed sectors. The reason for underdevelopment is due to lack of skilled workers to work in an industry. For example, the agricultural industry is a major employer. If people had the right mindset and training, they would work in this sector. However, since there are only a few, the many offer less quality of work than expected.

Social and cultural factors are also to blame for the high number of youth unemployment. It is a fact that unemployment is huge only among the youth, the reason for this is because there is pessimism over securing a job. Also along history of broken families, drug abuse and crime has locked out the youth. Youths who engage in the above vices cannot hold a job even if they got one.

The other cause of joblessness is the economy of the country. The economy may be growing but at a very low rate. This means investors shy away from investing in the country due to economic factors such as tax, land availability and the rules and regulations. If the investors started companies in this country, they would be major employers, as they would need both skilled and semi-skilled workers. Thus there is need to improve the economy to solve issues in this country.

Joblessness causes people to turn into crime, prostitution and other negative activities. These vices affect the future generations. It will be more costly to repair the situation now instead of waiting for the issues to escalate.

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