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The History Of Israel In Prophecy

By Elaine Guthrie

The current prophecy of the coming of Christ is not the only one related to Israel. For many, the rebirth of the Nation in 1948 was the first sign that God had not forsaken the Jewish people. For others, those in the Christian faith, it represented the beginning of the end along with a new Israel in prophecy, one which still remains unfulfilled.

A number of individuals most likely question why Israel is so important it is always in world news. After all, it is a rather small nation and land mass about the same size of New Jersey without any natural resources. Some believe this has more to do with religion and less to do with war than is often broadcast.

When involved in religion, many believe the promises made by God to Israel will ultimately come to pass. In fact, some see 1948 as one of the Israeli prophecies when she was born a new nation having already come to pass. Another being the current trend of the Jewish people to return to the homeland.

Other Israeli prophecies are tied to the Moon. First, April 15, 2014 being a total lunar eclipse with three additional eclipses to follow. These eclipses combined are known as a Tetrad, with the second having taken place on October 8, 2014, the third on April 4, 2015 and the last to take place on September 28, 2015. One of only eight tetrads to occur in the 21st century.

The four lunar eclipses known as the Four Blood Moons and which there has now been a book written about are supposedly the timeline to fulfillment of the prophecy. With each eclipse, it is said the earth moves closer to the end of time. A solar eclipse in March of 2015 is in the midst of these lunar eclipses is said to also have been part of the process as were the earlier prophecies related to the end times.

While a number of zealots have planned and professed a second coming for decades, it is only in recent time that Jewish and Christians agree on the coming of the end, even if not exactly how. Unfortunately, even the Bible says that no one knows when the son of man cometh in the book of Matthew. As such, it is hard to grasp while it usually those within the Christian faith who keep professing the second coming at a specific time and date.

The book "Four Blood Moons, " and the movie in development will no doubt shed light on this new prophecy and the cycle of these eclipses in relation to same. For those who love to read, it sounds like a great read with a lot of detailed information on scientific matter. Others may see the book as the final word related to the end of times when it comes to prophecy.

Whereas, others sit watching and waiting for the time of yet another failed prophecy to come and go without fulfillment. Most individuals, believers and otherwise still subscribe to unknowing when the world will end. After all, even the Bible says "In a time when ye think not, the son of man cometh"-Matthew 24:44. Still, there are those whom will always claim prophetic powers over knowledge and those whom will believe in most anything.

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