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How To Force Yourself To The Forward Look When Things Get Difficult

By Francis Riggs

There are two absolute truths in life, they say: death and taxes. There are also a million other challenges and problems along the way that prevent the forward look. It is inevitable that you will experience adversity at times and you will do so repetitively through life. Looking back to evaluate what went wrong is second nature, but it should not destroy a positive anticipation of a better future to come.

To succeed, a person must look and move forward. Yes it is easy to say yet very difficult to do on your own. Even if you know you are far from okay, no one will take that step forward for you. Here is an article how to force your way up and keep moving out of your misery.

Accept the bad situation. If it is a mistake, know exactly what went wrong. If it is a person, recognize what exactly made you angry with him. Acceptance is the first step. If you do not know where square one is, you will not know if you have stepped to step 2 or leaped to step 6. If you do not accept your current situation, you do not have a place to look back to once you have succeeded.

We all evolve and change, and so we must embrace this fact. You are not always starting over again from square one, but are moving forward with a new outlook. That is the definition of optimism and the root of happiness. Okay, you had some bad times; but there are good ones ahead. Learn to accept change as the origin of progress. Learn to become a new person every day.

People are victims of their memories and they may not forgive you right away. You can't act as if nothing has happened, in effect, going back to square one. It will color the future of your relationships; hence the need to avoid negative behavior in the long run. Change is the watchword of personal success. Make it a reality and apply it as needed.

Ask help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It means you are strong enough to move on and be a better person. If you want to quit smoking for example, and you have accepted it and want to change, you cannot do it if your smoking buddy continues to ask you to go out for a puff.

Find mentors and guides through life who will help focus your thoughts and attitudes. You want strong people who have insight and wisdom. We all have possibilities among our friends and colleagues. It could be a family member, a pastor, or a priest. Use these connections to advance your life and they will help keep you on a solid track.

Pray for strength. Taking the first step forward is hard. Taking the subsequent steps is harder because you will encounter more adversities one after the other. You owe it to yourself to keep moving forward. And you can only be strong enough to do so if your strength is coming from the grace of God.

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