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Learning From A Progressive Christian Blog

By Olive Pate

Not all people believe the same thing. There are new movements, such as you find in a progressive Christian blog. Here people have different principles from the average person of this faith and there is sometimes a bit of conflict that arises as a result. This is why there is a need to state their views.

There are many Christians that simply believe that going to church and reading the Bible is enough and it will do them justice. However, people who are more progressive in nature believe that there is more to the faith than this. They think that helping others will help make the world a better place. They are constantly focusing on this aspect as well.

Someone who is progressive will also encourage the social justice system to move forward in the right direction so that everyone is working together. One would think that this is something that a lot of people will do, and you don't have to be a Christian to be involved in this. One can see that this is also very political.

The biggest part of progression is that they have no problem with all of the other faiths and this is what is so different from basic Christianity. Their view is that it is all good and well to have beliefs with many other Gods. To other Christians of the secular nature this does not make sense to them because one can only serve one God.

The Christian believes in Jesus and the Jewish person doesn't. The Eastern faiths are also different and have other Gods. One can't have a multitude of Gods that you have relationships with. There are different guides that go along with the various religions as well, and one can't look at the Bible and the Torah on a day to day basis to get you through the day, for example.

The average Christian is not supposed to judge faiths like Buddhism, for example. However one is supposed to follow your chosen faith and be dedicated to it. Progressive Christianity is saying that everything is true and therefore there are different Gods that you can follow. The true Christian only has one God that they are dedicating their life to and following like a friend. All Gods can't be right because they state different things in life.

People are looked after in the social justice system, but of course this does not relate to the Bible. Once can see that there are different viewpoints here. This is why there is often a clash with the traditional Christians. However, one must remember what the Bible does say about judging others. It is important not to isolate this group and to accept them, just as one should with anyone else.

This is not something which builds up a personal relationship with God. One can start to see that it is very different from the principles that Christians stand for. They do not believe in helping the poor or underprivileged, like the Bible says you should. Christians have also been taught not to judge, so one can't push this movement aside, but it has to be accepted, like everything else in life.

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