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The Most Effective Bible Prophecy Study Guides For You

By Francis Riggs

The inner need to know your position amongst creation will lead you to discover God. This is the God who created you and he reigns over all the earth. Join your church of choice and learn more about what Jesus; the son of God, the Holy Spirit and how they help you in your daily life. Your spiritual leader will also equip you with Bible prophecy study guides.

Nobody should deceive you that Christianity will solve your problems. If you have to get saved, let it be because you are in love with God and you desire to live for Him. God looks into your motive and he will not allow you to enjoy the gift of salvation if you want it just for your convenience.

It is certain that life sometimes brings on challenges that you shall overcome by the mercy of Jesus Christ. When you call on Christ, he takes it upon himself to help you through your journey. He will hive you his special grace which will cause you to rejoice even in the midst of tribulations. You will have the privilege to pray to him and ask for whatever solution that you need. Always be ready to accept his answers because they will work for your good.

Most Christians make resolutions to read the Bible everyday but their efforts do not bear fruit. As much as they wish to stay faithful in this practice, they backslide. This is because they are doing works of flesh without involving the Holy Trinity. A Christian who is truly led by the spirit will manifest Christ through his life. You do not have to tell non believers that you are saved. They should clearly see it in your character and way of living.

God is able to use anyone including the sinners. In fact Jesus is known as the friend of sinners. However, he will take you out of your sinful life and give you a new life. His spirit will lead you to prophets and spiritual leaders who hold your destiny. God shall use these spiritual authorities to speak a blessing upon your life.

Your church leader will minister to your soul, prophecy to your tough situations, teach and train you Gods word, encourage you and be a role model to you. There are many who are called to serve in the kingdom but not all of them can be your spiritual parents. You need to find the leaders who God has anointed just for you.

Reading the word of God is a challenge for most believers. Unless you are strong in your faith, the devil will always hold you back from studying this holy book. The enemy will cause you to be busy or have a lazy feeling whenever you intend to spend time reading the word. If you notice this weakness, arise in your spirit and pray about it. Ask the faithful Jesus to give you His spirit, strength and grace to learn the secrets hidden in this precious book regarding prophecies and life in general.

People will come to you to seek knowledge and prophecy interpretations. Such are the work that Christ used to do and you are here on earth to continue his ministry. This is the ultimate reason as to why you are alive today. If nothing else makes you smile, this good news should be your eternal source of joy.

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