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The Vision Of Catholic Grandparents Association

By Jana Serrano

Perhaps, one of the most wonderful end of life is to become a grandparent. If you look back, the young age is a roller coaster of wonderful experiences and memories you can always treasure. And when you grow up and dwell in your twilight years, it is your time to give to the new generation what you have experienced when you were still in their place by being a wonderful grandmother or grandfather.

This role is paramount because it caters to something that will build a childs character. Well surely, the parents take this task firstly. But grandparents will have to help significantly. And this is the reason why the Catholic Grandparents Association came into being. This is quite new to the ears but it has a vast significance.

Well it was said that there is nothing stronger than the love and caring which the grandparents show to their grandchildren. But then let us understand how this came into being. First of all, it is true that the parents love for their children is the strongest. And the fact the grandchildren are offspring of their children, a different kind of love is exhibited.

Since grannies were parents as well, they know how it feels to have a child. And you cannot change the fact that they love their children as much as ever. Even now that they already have their own family. If you are to recall, when you were a bit younger, do not your parents consider even your friends as a very close kin. And that is all because they are related to you.

Well in a Catholic family, there is nothing more important than molding the child into being a good Christian. And it is primarily and obviously the work of the parents. But there will always be a need for help. Given the fact that there is much concern and challenges which the parents face in their daily life, the grannies hold a paramount role.

Truly. In a Catholic family, nothing is more important than teaching and leading the child into the way of truth and life which is in God alone. Just as these grannies who were parents of the present ones before put their all to this mission, so do they have the same goal for their grandchildren. Thus, the association of Catholic grannies emerged.

To make it more specific, this group of people is united by believing in the importance of the vocation of grandparents. This association was actually established just recently by Catherine Wiley who is a loving grandmother to her grandchildren as well. For her, it is the duty, responsibility, and vocation of grannies to do what they can since it is probably the most important and last important job they can have.

And the most loved granny of all catholics who is none other than the pope also supported the movement by saying in one of his homilies that he had come to love his grandmother so much because she had molded him in this faith. This remark had the grannies all over the world conscious of their role which was so often disregarded.

With this, the association also got empowered. And they accommodated grannies who wished to know how the task should be carried out. So now you understand why they grandparents pamper their grandchildren so much. It is still because of their parental role and love after all.

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