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A Greater Insight Into Youth Unemployment In South Africa

By Nancy Gardner

Most countries struggle with younger people finding jobs. Youth unemployment in South Africa ranks very high. In fact it is third in the world in terms of the amount of people who are left without a job between the ages of 15 and 24. The problem here is that most youngsters can't afford an education.

This especially applies to this country where there are so many people without jobs and so few positions that are advertised. So many people end up giving up at one point or another because their motivation dries up. They end up staying with their parents and often this brings them into a state of depression or anxiety.

It is also a problem for parents because children are left at home for a longer period of time. This means that they have to support them and this is not always easy. Parents are working longer than they used to. They are retiring at a later age simply to help their children out who are struggling. In the past parents could help their kids find jobs, but this is not the case anymore.

Often, you will find that it will take a psychological role as well. Because someone is struggling to find a job and they are unemployed, they may think that they are not good enough. Of course, this is not true, but it does tend to play on your mind. A young person may become depressed and anxious during a time like this. They may want to seek another career direction.

Young people who have money flock to other parts of the world and find that there are more jobs available in the field that they are in. There are many openings in places like Dubai and even Europe. In some areas, the cost of living is affordable. Once you have stuck it out for a couple of months, the cash will start to build up.

Youngsters need to be coached and motivated in order to get anywhere in life. There are programs that help with small business development. This is the best way to get ahead in this country. A lot of people have finished school and are working below minimum wave. By starting their own business, they will be rewarded in a much greater way. This is important for self esteem, respect and for basic freedom.

South Africa is known for its crime. Quite often this is because someone has lost hope in the employment situation. They turn to crime because they feel that this is where they are able to make a living. They will join a gang and things start getting worse.

Starting a business is the best way to go, but one needs to be motivated and determined. Often young people are not ready for the business world and they need to learn from someone else as an intern. This may even be beneficial if they volunteer. They should have a plan and there are organizations to help with this. There are certain business developments to help them get started.

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