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Avoid Public Humiliation By Hiring An Uncontested Divorce Attorney

By Kenya England

Broken marriages are sad and there can be no doubt that the break up of a marriage causes untold misery. Unfortunately the percentage of marriages that last are falling sharply. This not only affects the families concerned, but society as a whole. Good, solid families are and have always been the mainstay of healthy societies. However, at least with the help of an uncontested divorce attorney Marietta GA married couples can avoid most of the trauma.

There are some excellent reasons why it is better to avoid a contested separation. In contested cases, each party has to be represented by a lawyer. If the lawyers for the two parties fail to achieve some kind of agreement the case may become a dragged out affair, raising the cost to astronomical amounts. It is also important to remember that a contested case is public. This means that every detail of the case is accessible to the public.

Ending a marriage is not a simple affair, even if both parties agree to manage the entire matter in an amicable manner. Most laymen do not have enough knowledge of the law to deal with such matters themselves. The best course of action is to hire a professional to act as mediator and to draw up a legally binding agreement between the two parties concerned.

The legal field is incredibly complex and varied. That is why most lawyers specialize. It is vital to make sure that the lawyer handling the separation is experienced in this specific field. Couples may also opt to rather hire the services of a specially licensed counsellor. Experts agree that it is better to avoid using a lawyer or counsellor known to either of the parties. In this way the proceedings will remain unbiased.

Both parties need to resolve themselves to be polite, reasonable and civil if they are to reach an amicable agreement. If there is aggression, threats and violence involved, no agreement can be achieved and the matter may have to be contested in open court. This may be the best course if one partner feels intimidated and fearful and if the marriage broke down due to violence.

Legal representation can be very expensive. Clients are charged for every minute their lawyer spends on their case. Reasonable couples can save themselves a fortune if they privately agree to most of the issues involved in dissolving the marriage. If they can simply hand their lawyer a draft of their agreements the matter can be dealt with quickly, efficiently and at a much reduced cost.

There are other benefits to avoid a contested case. Apart from saving costs, the case will not be a public affair. A private agreement will be made an order of the court and the records of the proceedings will not be public. In fact, neither party even have to be present in court. This is surely preferable to a costly, time consuming and potentially humiliating public display.

It is always sad when a marriage fails. Even if the break up is amicable there are always regrets, anger and a sense of loss. If there are children involved they often suffer feelings of guilt and other complex emotions. However, if the marriage cannot be saved the next best thing is to limit the trauma by doing everything possible to avoid a public spectacle in open court.

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