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Southern California Beach Wedding Planning Tips

By Christopher Bell

As a marriage is a huge step in a person's life, most want to make it as memorable as they possibly can. Many individuals have the dream of standing in the sand as the sun goes down over the lovely Pacific Ocean and the officiant performs their ceremony. To get the most of a Southern California beach wedding, a couple of tips should be followed.

Because sunny, sandy beaches with the sun glistening upon the Pacific Ocean at sunset is a particularly popular ceremony setting, anyone wanting this option should start planning as soon as possible. There are many great venues to be had, but they tend to be booked far in advance. Certain restrictions may also limit viable choices for a couple.

Actual private sections on the sand are extremely limited but there are many incredible waterfront venues that have a lot to offer. They may have an exclusive access area where the ceremony may be held, or they could have a space inside or out, that overlooks the ocean. Things like guest count, catering desires and special needs or requests will affect one's options.

Guests should definitely be made aware if the ceremony is going to physically take place in the sand. If they have this knowledge ahead of time, they can dress in shoes and clothing that is more appropriate for the location. The bride may want to consider sandals or going barefoot instead of heels and a shorter, lighter weight dress versus a full formal ball gown.

As an extra measure to make guests as comfortable as possible at the location in concern for both the sand and the glaring sun, there are a few amenities that could be offered. Shoe valets, where people can exchange their dressy footwear for event customized flip flops, and designated areas to brush their feet off afterwards are very convenient and considerate. Providing hats, visors or sunglasses to shield their eyes is another great option.

While the weather in this area is generally perfect, there are days when rain or wind could become an issue. As with any outdoor event, it is a good idea to have a back up plan in case of inclement circumstances. Most venues will have shelters, tents or indoor spaces on hand for such emergencies, or have an account with a reputable rental company.

There is no need to have an excessive amount of decorations when the ceremony is held on the sand with the vast ocean providing the back drop. Many choose to use simple chair covers or perhaps just a chuppah or arch, lightly adorned, to provide a framing for the bride, groom and officiant to stand beneath. It is advisable to limit the number of floral bouquets to aisle decor or just a couple of pedestals up front.

Although the event is a very personal one, it is important not to forget the business aspect of it. Make sure all agreements with the coordinator, venue, caterer and other vendors are in writing and clearly spelled out before signing the commitment for services. It is also necessary to double check with the planner and management that all applicable permits have been acquired.

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