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Why Many Patients Seek The Christian Prayers For Healing Their Illnesses

By Linda Davis

According to the Christians, religious practices play a significant role when it comes to healing. Surprisingly, if some of the church members get sick, they are likely to seek divine help before they go to the hospital. While empirical research studies on the placebo effect have highlighted that turning to the Christian prayers for healing contributes to a quick recovery, many people have plenty of questions about the reliability of this phenomenon.

While praying, Christians understand the importance of meditation and contemplation. Without a doubt, prayer triggers some psychological changes that support the performance of your biological systems, improving your health in the process. In fact, prayer is a unique type of contemplation, and the experts believe that Christians may enjoy the health benefits that come with meditation. Having a strong immune system is vital for Christians who hope to enjoy the unmatched health benefits, now and in the future.

Since prayer involves meditation to a certain extent, the Christians can enjoy the beneficial attributes of meditation too. If you believe that divine intervention can initiate healing, the biological transformations that come with meditation can make a huge impact on your immune system. Remember that an active immune system can improve your resistance to chronic diseases and expedite your healing process.

Both prayer and meditation have one thing in common. These practices rely on a certain degree of faith to deliver the goods. While Christianity upholds the concept of believing without seeing, the secular world believes that scientific proof is vital.

While prayer is instrumental in the healing process, every ounce of faith counts. Christians believe that if you are sick, you should avoid the temptation to question how prayer works, have faith, and embark on your road to recovery. When the scientists sought to test the validity of such claims, their findings proved that faith makes an enormous impact on all types of medical operations.

In the 1950s, the growing number of chest pain and high blood pressure patients called for a creative solution. After identifying the hiatus, the surgeons realized that the arterial blockages were hard to cure. However, it was easier to replace the arteries with artificial catheters. The patients recuperated faster than ever, and never complained of similar complications again.

While the surgical operations allowed the medical fraternity to reach a new milestone, they opened the door to criticism. In the quest to silence the critics, the surgeons decided to study the response of the unsuspecting patients in the recovery process. This experiment was akin to the conventional surgery, but the doctors never replaced the malfunctioning arteries. Surprisingly, the patients enjoyed a full recovery without undergoing a real operation.

Like the physicians, the spiritual leaders witness the placebo effect on many occasions. If a patient gets a water injection, in a reputable hospital, the shot can relieve pain if it comes with a morphine label. As you can see, a spiritual leader can trigger your physical healing capabilities through prayer.

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