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Culture Influence On Arab Dating

By Rebecca Bell

After puberty people start developing some different attraction towards an opposite gender. This makes one to get attached and start liking another person. This makes people to get committed into relationships. However being that no oath is taken many people do not take it seriously . Influence of culture on Arab dating is great. Their tradition does not allow this kind of relationship before marriage.

Faith is a building block of this community . Many of them follows Islamic beliefs . This restricts any form of relationship between male and female. But if it is a modest relationship no conflicts arise. This is mainly done to make people avoid adulterous relationships.

Females and makes are only allowed to have relations when they want to get committed to it. If they are serious a wedding is usually thought of. Before a wedding parents must be introduced to their future in laws. This is done so as to acquire blessings from parents. At times some parents dislike a future in law. In such an instance they must give reasons some reasons. Many reasons given are usually about religion and morals.

During these meeting some parents disagree about their relationship due to various reasons which they mention . That means they will not get any blessing. When that happens it is hard to proceed with a NIKHA . If parents do not have any objection they settle on dowry issues. When that is done they start planning for a NIKHA which is a wedding ceremony that takes three days.

Wedding in these community are done in an Islamic way . This means the ceremony will take three days and no music will be used. Two days are for advice and other things like finalizing bride prize. One main thing is that advice is given to them by Imams an USTADH. This is just to psych them as they take a new step in life. This is usually done inside a MASJID but different room . Ladies in one room and male in another room.

This ceremony should be simple as possible. It should not consume much money. Marriage is considered as a praise ceremony. That is why it is done in a humbling manner. In some cases this whole presses takes place in a conference hall. After three days they start their relationship having blessing from God and parents. Most relationships last till death separates them.

This ceremony is usually cherished and respected by many people. That is why people in Arabian region follow their culture strictly. Girls who engaged in sexual interaction before marriage mostly luck people to marry them. If they do they are married as third or fourth wife . This makes them to abstain from relationships before marriage.

Sex sins are taken very seriously . If one has sex before marriage there are some severe punishments . For wives and husband who cheat they are likely to be stoned to death . This happens if four people testify that they did that sin. Such punishments have helped people stick to good morals. Ladies preserve their dignity so as they do not want to miss a husband . NIKHA is usually a ceremony that everyone wants. Poor couples are supported by relatives till they gain stability. This helps in maintaining family bonds after marriage.

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