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The Importance Of The Eternal Salvation Doctrine

By Andrew Jones

There is a special thread that runs throughout the Bible from beginning to end. That thread is the eternal salvation doctrine, and it is the most important subject found in the Bible. Because of this doctrine, everyone can know what their final destination will be at the end of this life.

This doctrine begins in the book of Genesis. Adam and Eve were created and placed in the beautiful Garden of Eden. God told them they could eat of all of the fruit in the garden except for one tree. It sounds so easy. After all, they only had one rule to obey.

There came a time when Eve was by herself in the garden, and the devil approached her and began to talk with her. His ultimate goal was to make her doubt what God had said, and he convinced her that disobedience to God was okay. She later shared the fruit with Adam, and he ate it and disobeyed God, too. They had no way of knowing ahead of time the drastic results of their disobedience. Sin had entered the world.

From that time on every baby that is born into the world is born a sinner. God has made it very clear that no sin can enter into heaven, because He is perfect and cannot tolerate sin in his presence. There is no doubt that every person has a personal debt to pay for his sin, and there is no way that he can pay his own sin debt. Good works are simply not enough.

The only way possible to save man from sin was through a perfect blood sacrifice. Jesus, God's son, was the only one who could accomplish that. Because of God's great love for mankind, he willingly gave Jesus to make the sacrifice that could wash away the sin of every child, man and woman.

All of mankind's sins were paid for when Jesus died and shed his blood on the cross. The resurrection of Jesus, proved to the world that man's sin debt had been paid. God had provided salvation for each individual.

God provided salvation to every person as a free gift, not something they were forced to accept. Choosing heaven or hell, made possible by Jesus's death on the cross, was their choice. Heaven awaits those who accept the free gift of salvation, just as hell awaits those who reject God's free gift. Man may determine that he can reach heaven on his own, but it never works. His sin debt will not be paid.

This doctrine is extremely important for every individual. The moment a person believes from his heart that Jesus paid his sin debt and that person receives Jesus as his Savior, he has eternal life. His life changes completely from the inside out without any effort on his part. The burden of sin disappears, the doubts are gone and peace, joy and contentment flood through him. He knows without a doubt that his sin has been forgiven and that his life has been made anew.

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