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How Do I Make The R Word Pledge

By Helen Reed

Words possess positive or negative energy. The effect they have depends on how they are used. The R Word Pledge is aimed at eliminating the reference of retardation, retard or retarded from ordinary discourse that involves the intellectually impaired persons. This term is demeaning and hurtful because it indicates a society that does not appreciate differences or accommodate them. By recognizing the positive in these persons, it will enable people to regard them positively.

The idea is to appreciate that each individual has unique gifts. The fact that someone cannot talk, walk or perform other duties like most people is not a reason to refer to him of her in a derogatory manner. Continued use of such words makes them part of mainstream speech. Gradually, the affected persons are isolated which affects their esteem and socialization.

The genesis of the phrase mentally retarded or mental retardation was in medicine. It had a connotative meaning and was specifically intended for clinical use. Overtime, it was mainstreamed with the elimination of mental or mentally and is now used to insult people based on their intellectual capability. It makes the people being referenced to feel as though they have lower mental capacity and are thus less valued members of the society.

Mental retardation is the preferred reference in medical circles for a person who is mentally impaired. Though people who engage in stupid acts are regarded as retards, it is hurtful when used on persons with real mental condition. It shows failure to appreciate or ignorance of the gifts that such a person possesses.

The campaign has its genesis during an activation event for Special Olympics in 2009. The event and participants sort to focus on the special abilities of people with developmental or cognitive disabilities instead of highlighting their deficiencies. Their argument was that these people have the capacity to equally enjoy life and all experiences like ordinary human beings. There is no need to make them feel any less human.

The pledge is posted on the website of the organization running the campaign. One is required to give the name, city and country or state of origin. You may add the name of your school or organization and your age. Your commitment will be posted on the website to boost the global campaign. You may also sign in to receive monthly updates on the latest about the campaign, events and news.

There is a common reference for persons with developmental challenges where people are curious to know what is wrong. The brains behind this initiative want to show that deficiencies are not an indication of something wrong. The fact that someone cannot swim, dance, sing, etc does not make the person any less human. The same argument applies to mental incapacity. The person is as dignified as those considered to be normal.

As you make the pledge, you are also invited to share personal stories. It is these stories that highlight the need to take action. They motivate other people to view mental impairment as a condition rather than a problem. It gives the victims a positive outlook in life that allows them to feel valued.

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