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Learn How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Essie Osborn

Every human being has sinned. The bible reckons that every one has fallen short of the glory of God. As a result, nobody can claim that he or she is holy. However, some people are fond of pointing a blaming finger to others. They find them as sinners, and not deserving the mercy of God. However, the good news is that through the stripes of Jesus our sins are forgiven. You do not have to condemn yourself, once you have fallen short of Gods glory. You will only need to learn how to be saved by Jesus, and your life will never be the same again.

In many instance, people find themselves doing things that are contrary to the teaching of God and also to the expectations of other people, when in that situation, many of them opt at committing murder as they cannot absorb the guilt in them. However, they need to understand that, God is able and willing to forgive them of that. No matter how hopeless their situation maybe, He can extend His mercies on them.

The first step to receive salvation, is deciding that you want to get saved. You must be determined and convinced that, you want to stop your old ways of doing things and now you lay everything in Gods hand so that He directs your path. Therefore, you must accept you are a sinner and you have fallen short of the glory, and that you have accepted the lord Jesus to be the lord and savior of your soul.

When you confess to God that you are a sinner, you are then expected to repent to God. You tell Him that you have surrendered all your wrong ways, all your hatred and all your life to Him. Tell Him to write your name in the book of life, and to help you live according to His teaching. Normally, this is done in the presence of the man of God. You then pursue to live a different lifestyle than the one you were used to.

Although some people argue that confessions and repentance are the same, some difference is evident. Repentance may have a deeper meaning of sin acknowledgement. Acknowledging your sins means that, your soul, mind and heart agree that you need to take a different way. Moreover, pure repentance means that you are not willing to repeat similar mistakes at any other time.

After giving your life to Christ, you need not relax. You need to pray and read the word of God every day. This will make sure that you faith in Christ is strengthened. Again, just as the body feeds on food, the soul of a believer, feeds on the word of God.

Make worship part of your everydays life. As you know, God admires and takes pride in the worship of his people. When you worship God, good things happen on the spirit. Apart, from worship, you will need to acknowledge God, in your life. Trust in him at all times, and let him guide your life.

Lastly, ensure that everywhere you go, you acknowledge Jesus as your personal savior. The bible says that, anyone who will not be able to testify that Jesus is lord over his or her life, will also be ashamed to call him his son.

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