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The 3 Phases To Reclaiming The Relationship With Your Ex-Girlfriend Or Wife

By Alex Peters

Feeling weak as a man after a breakup can be a common feeling. Not many of us guys have come through a breakup without shedding a few tears and the emotions involved with having someone you love reject you can be devastating. The frustration that comes along with knowing that you could make things right if your girlfriend or wife would just listen to you can add to your pain. If you had a choice, you would probably choose some sort of physical pain over this emotional pain. In such a case, you would know how long the healing process would take and you could plan accordingly. In the case of emotional pain, you have no idea if it will ever end or it feels this way at the moment.

Whether you were married to the woman that you love or she was just your girlfriend, the pain is no different. The healing process and the process of restoring your relationship should also be no different. Women are women and whether you had a piece of paper saying that you would be together forever or not, there was probably a time when both of you said or wished that you would be together until the end of time. Getting over your pain, rebuilding your self-confidence and getting her back will be the same no matter if we are talking about a wayward wife or girlfriend. It also doesn't matter what is going on in her life. It doesn't matter if she is with some other guy or not. You will see that these methods which are loosely based upon what is suggested to get a combat soldier through stress will help you to get your ex back more quickly than you might otherwise think.

First, you are going to process your emotions and in a very matter of fact manner you're going to run through everything that happened. This is called a debriefing. You can be upset all you want beforehand but as soon as you have time you are going to sit yourself down and in a factual manner, recount what happened in the past. You're going to discuss what you did wrong, what you would have done differently as well as what your ex did to you. You're going to put it all in the past and learn from your mistakes.

Beating yourself up or being upset with yourself over something that you did in the past is not healthy or helpful. You can see that you did things wrong but it is simply impossible to change the past. Removing the emotions from these incidents is necessary for your healing as well as for your success in the future. You are like a soldier who is learning from a past battle and becoming educated about what works and what doesn't. Freeing yourself from this emotional baggage is necessary for your success in the future. You are living and learning from the past.

Next comes the rebuilding process. There should be rest and relaxation after you go through a stressful situation. It is time to celebrate that you survived what you went through. You will live to fight another day. You will get your second chance but only once you have regained your strength and and you have a positive attitude. You might have to blow off a little steam first. This means doing things that will make you happy.

Be careful and try to avoid many of the antics that most soldiers go through when they're on leave. Avoid drinking too much since this often leads to text messaging or calling your ex. Alcohol is a depressant and while you might feel awesome at the beginning of the night, there's a good chance that you could become melancholy and do something crazy like call your ex to tell her how much you love her or show up at her house. During this phase you want to avoid contacting your ex. Instead, think of blowing off some steam by spending time with your friends or getting out of town for a long weekend. Go to the beach or the mountains or wherever it is that you go to recharge your batteries.

When you are done relaxing it will be time to get to work on rebuilding your life and your self-esteem. Your confidence is critical and without it anything that you try to do to get your ex back will be tainted by doubt and weakness. Work on becoming strong emotionally and physically. Physical exercise can improve the look of your body and also improve your mood and confidence. Expand your mind and educate yourself on the psychology behind a woman's emotions. Understand how a woman falls in love, what she needs to feel to fall in love as well as how you can replicate these emotions in your ex when the time is right. Men are logical, for the most part, when it comes to relationships while women are driven by their emotions. They need to feel a certain way to fall in love and it is possible to make your ex feel these emotions and feel the need to love you again. It is logical and it's simple.

Getting your girlfriend or wife back might seem impossible at this moment but, as you can see, it is a simple process of moving past the pain and hurt, rebuilding yourself and then understanding and doing those things that will attract her again. You have the advantage in this situation. You have a logical mind. Once you remove the emotion from the situation you will be able to think logically again and then do the things that will bring her back while avoiding the situations that will push her away. Keep all of this in mind when you're tempted to get upset or do something crazy to get her back. There is power in keeping a cool mind and a level head when dealing with your girlfriend or wife. You can do this. You can get her back.

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