The Roman Catholic Church has pronounced itself on a number of issues that are central to its fundamental belief. It is these specific Catholic Church Teachings that lend it the identity it has been identified with for centuries. Though there have been changes over time, the modifications do not affect the fundamentals of this Rome based institution.
The creation theory followed by Catholics worldwide states that God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh. Man was created from the soil unlike everything else that was created by the word. Man was later given dominion over everything on earth on behalf of God. He and his wife Eve fell out of favor with God after they sinned. This led to banishment from the Garden of Eden which was paradise.
The teaching on Jesus Christ recognizes him as the Son of God and savior of mankind. He was born of the Virgin Mary and a foster father called Joseph. The conception of Jesus was immaculate which means that it was through the power of the Holy Spirit which meant that Mary did not lose her virginity. Jesus will return on the judgement day to carry with him those who have been righteous and pronounce judgement to the wicked.
The Roman Catholic Church is known to accord special recognition to Mary Mother of God. With Jesus being regarded as both God and man, Mary is regarded as Mother of God. She is venerated through a number of prayers including the rosary. She acts as an intercessor for human kind. It is believed that she never died but got assumed into heaven with her physical body.
The Pope governs Roman Catholics from Vatican. He is considered as the successor of Apostle Peter and a representative of Christ on earth. The pope thus holds unquestionable authority that cannot be questioned. His election is done by cardinals and he rules until death. He may however resign as Benedict XVI did. The authority of the pope may also be exercised through institutions that he has created.
The Holy Eucharist is another distinct feature among Catholics all over the world. It is made of the body and blood of Christ and celebrated as communion. Only persons who are permit can receive the Eucharist. Such a person must also have gone through confession, a cleansing process led by a priest. Christ remains in the Eucharist at the tabernacle for adoration after the Eucharistic celebration.
The teaching on death and destiny isolates the Pope led outfit from the other Christian groupings. The belief is that a person goes to heaven, hell or purgatory depending on the magnitude of sin. While hell and heaven are obvious, purgatory is designed for people who are not grave sinners. They are punished before being admitted into heaven.
As the definition of marriage changes with advancement in the secular world, the Rome based outfit is under pressure to rethink its stand. A recent debate during the Synod hinted at a change in the stand. With no agreement on inclusion of homosexuals, gays and divorcees, among other scenarios, the original definition remains that of mother, father and children.
The creation theory followed by Catholics worldwide states that God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh. Man was created from the soil unlike everything else that was created by the word. Man was later given dominion over everything on earth on behalf of God. He and his wife Eve fell out of favor with God after they sinned. This led to banishment from the Garden of Eden which was paradise.
The teaching on Jesus Christ recognizes him as the Son of God and savior of mankind. He was born of the Virgin Mary and a foster father called Joseph. The conception of Jesus was immaculate which means that it was through the power of the Holy Spirit which meant that Mary did not lose her virginity. Jesus will return on the judgement day to carry with him those who have been righteous and pronounce judgement to the wicked.
The Roman Catholic Church is known to accord special recognition to Mary Mother of God. With Jesus being regarded as both God and man, Mary is regarded as Mother of God. She is venerated through a number of prayers including the rosary. She acts as an intercessor for human kind. It is believed that she never died but got assumed into heaven with her physical body.
The Pope governs Roman Catholics from Vatican. He is considered as the successor of Apostle Peter and a representative of Christ on earth. The pope thus holds unquestionable authority that cannot be questioned. His election is done by cardinals and he rules until death. He may however resign as Benedict XVI did. The authority of the pope may also be exercised through institutions that he has created.
The Holy Eucharist is another distinct feature among Catholics all over the world. It is made of the body and blood of Christ and celebrated as communion. Only persons who are permit can receive the Eucharist. Such a person must also have gone through confession, a cleansing process led by a priest. Christ remains in the Eucharist at the tabernacle for adoration after the Eucharistic celebration.
The teaching on death and destiny isolates the Pope led outfit from the other Christian groupings. The belief is that a person goes to heaven, hell or purgatory depending on the magnitude of sin. While hell and heaven are obvious, purgatory is designed for people who are not grave sinners. They are punished before being admitted into heaven.
As the definition of marriage changes with advancement in the secular world, the Rome based outfit is under pressure to rethink its stand. A recent debate during the Synod hinted at a change in the stand. With no agreement on inclusion of homosexuals, gays and divorcees, among other scenarios, the original definition remains that of mother, father and children.
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